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在制造沈阳扇风机厂设计的7-11-1μ71/2系列串连高压鼓风机时,在4.5公厘厚的叶轮钢板上需要冲72个3.5×9公厘的长方孔(叶轮每个叶片圆弧上的六个孔,我们用六个冲头一次冲出,分12次冲完),冲模用9XC工具钢制造,施工中由于冲头刃口窄长,刃口根部和杆部交界处的截面很弱,受力后常横向折断,经采用下述方法加工后才圆满解决:材料:9XC合金工具钢。冲头形状:如右图,热处理前除刃口外部倒圆角。 In the manufacture of 7-11-1μ71 / 2 series high pressure blowers designed by Shenyang Fan Factory, a total of 72 rectangular holes of 3.5 × 9 mm were punched in 4.5 mm thick impeller steel (each round of impeller Six holes on the arc, we use a punch punched out at once, divided into 12 times Chong finished), die made of 9XC tool steel, due to the narrow punch blade edge length, the edge of the cutting edge and the rod at the junction Cross-section is weak, often after transverse transverse fracture, after the adoption of the following method is satisfactorily resolved: Material: 9XC alloy tool steel. Punch shape: As shown on the right, before the heat treatment except for the outer edge of the round.
The exciton L=0 and L=1 states of a spherical GaAs quantum dot with a Gaussian confining potentialare calculated by using the matrix diagonalization method.The
By using the linear approximation method,the intensity correlation function and the intensity correlationtime are calculated in a gain-noise model of a single-
Two-electron states of a three-dimensional spherical GaAs quantum dot (QD) with a Gaussian confiningpotential confinement are studied,Calculations are made by