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自由基医学是上个世纪六七十年代孕育、诞生的一门生命科学新学科。而后,发展迅速,现已成为基础医学、临床医学和预防医学不可或缺的重要组成部分。因为,自由基在人体中既具有重要的生物功能,又几乎与人类常见的重大疾病,如死亡率最高的心脑血管疾病、最凶险的癌症等都密切相关,因而引起了人们的广泛关注和浓厚兴趣。各种大众传媒也时有关于“自由基”、“抗氧化剂”的宣传报道,但都是星星点点、语焉不详,甚至有些是错误的。为此,我们特请中华预防医学会自由基专业委员会组织有关专家撰写了系列文章,从不同角度介绍有关自由基医学的知识,以飨读者。 Radical medicine was born in the sixties and seventies of last century birth, a new discipline of life science. Then, with its rapid development, it has now become an integral part of basic medicine, clinical medicine and preventive medicine. Because free radicals have both important biological functions in the human body, they are closely related to almost common and serious diseases in human beings, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases with the highest mortality rate and the most dangerous cancers, which have drawn people’s attention. Strong interest. There are also reports about the “free radicals” and “anti-oxidants” in various mass media. However, they are all bittersweet, and some are even wrong. To this end, we especially invited the Chinese Preventive Medical Association Free Radical Professional Committee organized experts to write a series of articles from different angles about the knowledge of free radical medicine to readers.
  In this presentation, we report results from two different studies examining the theoretical account of low-level deficits in beat perception as an alternat
  Several studies suggest that sleep helps in the consolidation of certain memories but its role in the consolidation of trace and delay conditioned memories
雀梅是盆景常用树种,但以往的雀梅盆景多为采集树头上盆培育的。笔者近年试用硬枝扦插造型制做雀梅盆景成功,方法如下。 1.黄化处理硬枝直接扦插极难生根,必须经黄化处理才
林娜今年35岁,是一家私企的文秘。1990年的一天,她在家解小便时感到会阴部有点不适。在上班途中又总感到小便未解完,到单位后第一件事便是上厕所,谁知这一天解小便就达10余次。   随后,林娜先后到过4家大医院就诊,找专家治疗,可教授们都说没什么大病,是泌尿系感染,吃点药,打打针,就会好的。可打了5个多月的针,吃了消炎药,尿常规检查一切正常,花了1700元钱,病却依然如故,而后她又到过上海、北京、西
  Quite a number of patients diagnosed with major depression are resistant to several well carried-out psychopharmacological interventions.It remains unclear