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读画是学习传统的重要方法。读画不同于一般欣赏,“读”比“欣赏”增加了一层学术研究的成份。“读”,是根据作品的“迹”,通过研究,比较、分析而达于作者思想深处,从而了解古代画家所遵循的“道”和“法”,从中学习古人的创作方法。古人离我们远去,他们往往留下作品而很少留下只言片语,但可以往他们的作品中领会到他们袒露的内心世界、他们的作品又似乎在朦胧地诉说对外部世界的真情实感。每一幅传世佳作都是一篇供我们反复阅读的文章。 学习山水画,最好的读本莫过于宋代山水画。宋代山水画是我国山水发展的成熟标志。宋代山水画大师辈出,流派林立。而最为人钟爱的要数范宽、李唐、郭熙、刘松年等大家的作品。我时常象初学者一样对临背临,手摹神会。更多的时候是抚卷拜读,终日注目凝思乐此不疲。 写意 《万壑松风图》是迄今发现较早的宋代山水画家李唐的主要代表作。纵观作品的每一部分,无论是松树还是大小石块,都画得十分精到生动,真实可信。松树枝干穿插盘曲,生长位置关系非人为臆想杜撰所能为。山石的造型与质感,石纹细节与体积转折只有自然造化神功才能创造。人们常把这种来自生活画法准确的作品称之为写实画,将草草几笔、泼墨泼彩、不拘形似的作品视为写意画, Reading is an important way to learn the tradition. Reading is different from the general appreciation, “reading” than “appreciation” adds a layer of academic research components. Reading is based on the works of traces, through research, comparison, analysis and reach the depths of the author’s thoughts, so as to understand the “Tao” and “law” followed by the ancient painters to learn from ancient ways of creation. The ancients walked away from us. They often left works with few words left behind. However, they could appreciate the inner world they exposed in their works and their works seemed to vaguely tell the true feelings of the outside world. Every piece of masterpieces handed down is an article for us to read repeatedly. Learning landscape painting, the best reading than the Song Dynasty landscape painting. Landscape painting in Song Dynasty is a mature symbol of landscape development in our country. Song Dynasty master landscape come forth in large numbers, schools everywhere. The most beloved to the number of Fan Kuan, Li Tang, Guo Xi, Liu Songnian and other works of everyone. I often like the beginners on the Pro back, copy Ghost. More time is to read the volume, meditation all day long bored. Freehand “Wan Gusong figure” is by far the oldest representative of the Song Dynasty landscape painter Li Tang’s masterpiece. Throughout each part of the work, whether pine or size stones, are very vivid and vividly painted, authentic. Trunk inserted into the trunk dry song, the relationship between the growth of non-human imaginary fictitious ability. The shape and texture of rock, stone details and the volume of the turning point only nature can make good fortune. People often refer to this kind of work from the accurate life painting as a realistic painting, which will consider a few pens, splashes of ink, and unshakable works as freehand paintings,