Enhancing the leaching effect of an ion-absorbed rare earth ore by ameliorating the seepage effect w

来源 :矿业科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HOHO333
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Ameliorating the problem of low leaching efficiency, long leaching period, and high agent consumption should be studied to efficiently exploit ion-absorbed rare earth ore resources. In this study, the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is used to enhance the leaching effect of an ion-absorbed rare earth ore by ameliorating the seepage effect for the first time. The effects of surfactant concentration, leaching agent dosage, solution flow velocity, and solution pH on the leaching rate were explored, and the mechanism of SDS was discussed. Under the optimum conditions, the addition of a small amount of SDS (mass fraction 0.04%) can increase the leaching rate by about 5%, shorten the leaching period, and reduce the consump-tion of the leaching agent. SDS significantly ameliorates the seepage effect of the ore body by reducing the surface tension of the leaching agent and ameliorating the wettability of the mineral surface. This effect is the main factor that improves the leaching efficiency. DFT (density functional theory) calculation results show that SDS can react with rare earth ions, which reduces the adsorption strength on clay mineral sur-faces. Hence, rare earth ions are easily exchanged by ammonium ions, and mass transfer is enhanced.
因为聚氨酯塑胶跑道存在散发异味、重金属含量超标等弊端,同时这一问题越来越突出,基于这一现象对其进行科学有效的整改,借助于先进的改良和性能优化的方式,综合分析与研究聚氨酯塑胶跑道的扩链剂和其结构性能的作用机制,开展材料耐候性检验测试以及相关功能性检验,论证聚氨酯应用于运动场合成材料面层,具有优异的环保性及物理机械稳定性,全面符合我国强制性标准 GB36246-2018,其研究价值巨大。
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