
来源 :初中生之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:znaddh
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如果你有话想说:我是一名初中生,我觉得我们在身上放一点零花钱很正常。我还觉得零花钱既然是给我零用的,就应该由我自己支配。所以我不喜欢妈妈总问我:“钱花哪儿了?”“怎么就没了?”我妈妈每个星期给我一百块,这看起来挺多,但用起来不觉得。我每天要吃早点,买零食,买新出的杂志和漫画书,偶尔还要和几个哥们上馆子“嘬一顿”。我身边的同学比我有钱的多的是,他们的爸妈几乎每天都会给他们 If you have something to say: I am a junior high school student and I think it is normal for us to put a small allowance on our body. I also think that since the pocket money is for me, it should be at my disposal. So I don’t like my mother always asking me: “Where is the money?” “What’s wrong?” "My mother gave me one hundred pieces a week. It looks a lot, but I don’t feel it. I eat breakfast every morning, buy snacks, buy new magazines and comic books, and occasionally go to the restaurant with a few buddies. My classmates are richer than I am, and their parents give them almost every day.
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High prevalence of atherosclerosis and arterial calcification in chronic kidney disease is far beyond the explanation by common cardiovascular risk factors such
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