
来源 :上海包装 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangyl1988
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景德镇是驰名中外的瓷都,历史悠久,文化灿烂。她以其精湛的技艺,精美的产品饮誉全球,荣膺世界“瓷都”桂冠,因此,陶瓷包装无论在古代还是现代都是我市包装的重点。从1984年开始,乘全国开展包装大检查的东风,我市以突出陶瓷包装改进为重点,走以纸代草的新路,通过采取造纸,纸箱(盒)的技术改造,制定技术规范、培训技术力量,革新包装工艺,改进装潢设计等一系列的综合配套措施,使全市陶瓷包装面貌大大改观,同时也大力促进了纸制品工业的发展。 纸制品工业的发展,壮大,直接有力地促进了我市产品包装的改进,现在,陶瓷包装已大体实现了以纸代草,基本结束了沿习一千多年稻草包装的历史,这是我市包装史上又一个巨大的进步。我市纸制品工业的快速发展,已引起了全省、邻省、乃至全国包装同行的瞩目。纸制品工业的变化主要表现在以下几个方面: Jingdezhen is a famous porcelain capital in China and abroad. It has a long history and splendid culture. She is renowned for her exquisite craftsmanship and exquisite products. She is awarded the crown of the “City Capital” in the world. Therefore, ceramic packaging is the focus of our city’s packaging both in ancient and modern times. Since 1984, taking advantage of Dongfeng, which has carried out packaging inspections nationwide, the city has focused on highlighting the improvement of ceramic packaging, taking the new road of paper instead of grass, and adopting papermaking and carton (box) technology transformation to formulate technical specifications and training. Technological strength, innovation of packaging technology, improvement of interior design and a series of comprehensive supporting measures have greatly changed the face of ceramic packaging in the city, and also strongly promoted the development of paper products industry. The development and expansion of the paper product industry has directly and effectively promoted the improvement of the product packaging in our city. Now, the ceramic packaging has basically realized paper-based grass, basically ending the history of straw packaging along the past 1,000 years. This is my Another huge progress in the city’s packaging history. The rapid development of the paper product industry in our city has attracted attention from the packaging industry of the province, neighboring provinces, and even the whole country. The changes in the paper products industry are mainly manifested in the following aspects:
名 称型号单价(元/kg)供货单位型号单价(元/kg)供货单位 醇酸清漆醇酸半光磁漆(白、蓝、灰) 醇酸无光磁漆(红) 醇酸底漆(铁红) 氪垫烘十清漆 黑色半光氨基烘漆221紫红绿氨基
“电动机”的发展离不开物理知识、物理原理的强支撑,无论是简单的电动机,微型的超声波电动机,或是大型的发电电动机其运行机理与性能均与物理知识有关。 The development o