影院涅槃——迪舞Party world建筑改造与室内设计

来源 :装饰 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouqiuhe1
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本文介绍了一个旧式影院蜕变成全新娱乐空间的真实案例。设计克服了结构老化不易扰动、投资有限等困难,通过建筑改造和室内设计将原来的电影院改造成一个综合性现代化商业娱乐空间,成功地实现了功能转型。本案在旧建筑改造利用实践方面进行的探索和尝试,供同行借鉴和评价。 This article describes a real-world example of an old-fashioned theater transformed into a new entertainment space. The design overcomes the difficulties of structural aging such as non-perturbation and limited investment. Through transformation of the building and interior design, the original cinema is transformed into a comprehensive modern commercial and entertainment space, and the functional transformation has been successfully achieved. This case was explored and tried in the practice of renovation and utilization of old buildings for peer reference and evaluation.
Early in the morning ,I was taken in a ny -lin bag into a truck.I felt horrible as well as ___.What would she do with me?She was almost mad after the ___of her husband.
In some states,students have to pass an exit exam before they can graduate.the examsvary from state to state,they test students for basic proficiency in math,E
选择题是一种重要的题型,具有覆盖面广、试题容量大、阅卷评分方便准确等优点.它既可考查同学们对基础知识的掌握和对基本技能的灵活应用,又可考查运算的准确性 The multiple
1.be made from…在文中的意思是“由……制成”(制成后材料看不出来)。例句:Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的。注意:类似的词组 be made of 指“用…制成”
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(1) 水泵安装的位置不能过高,安装时水泵的吸水扬程应低于水泵的允许吸上真空高度。 (2) 水泵应放平,尤其是水泵进水口一边不能翘起,以防形成气室影响抽水。 (3) 水泵采用联