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二、嗅觉——紧系领导脉搏 李瑞环同志在一次办公部门会议上曾说过:“离开调查研究的领导,在很大程度上是瞎领导,而离开领导的调查研究,在很大程度上是白研究。”我觉得这些话讲得很精辟,很有说服力,充满了辩证法。秘书的工作是为领导决策和实施决策服务的,因此,其调查研究要取得良好的效果,必须紧系领导脉搏,进入领导的思考圈、决策圈、指挥圈。如果离开党和政府的中心工作,离开领导的意图,而去搞别的调查研究,其结果必然是劳而无功。但有的同志认为,搞调查研究紧系领导脉搏,会有“迎合领导”之嫌,我看这是一种糊涂认识。迎合领导的本质,是从利己的目的出发投其所好,领导喜欢什么就谈 Second, the sense of smell - closely linked to the pulse of leadership comrades Li Ruihuan once said at an office meeting: “Leaving the investigation and research leaders, largely blind leaders, leaving the leadership of the investigation and study, to a large extent White study. ”I think these words speak very brilliant, very convincing, full of dialectics. The secretary’s job is to lead the decision-making and the implementation of decision-making services. Therefore, the investigation and research work to achieve good results must be closely linked with the pulse of the leadership and into the thinking circle, decision-making circle and command circle of the leadership. If you leave the center of the party and government and leave the leader’s intention to engage in other investigations and studies, the result must be relentless. However, some comrades believe that there is a suspicion of “ceding leadership” in conducting investigations and research closely and that this is a kind of confused understanding. To cater to the essence of leadership, is to self-interest for their own purposes, what the leaders like to talk about
团队组织出效益 大量的数据表明,当团队被作为一种工作方式时,生产率、质量以及员工职业道德都大大提高。一位知名管理咨询专家,Tom Peters甚至断言:虽然有些时候,以团队为