应用中医八卦理论 科学规划医院八大业务平台

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本院应用中医八卦理论,结合医院信息化特点,科学规划建设八大平台。集中实现了临床业务进行系统化、规范化和标准化设计,实现以二维结构化电子病历为核心临床信息数据库(CDR),支持实现“三元一体”信息共享模式。同时对医院人财物等核心管理,利用信息化技术进行组织岗位、业务功能、流程方式和数据统计进行系统化、规范化和标准化设计,实现人财物管理和临床业务管理数据一体化。并且同时实现医院行政办公、教学和科研管理全面实现信息化,并与业务平台和人财物综合管理平台实现数据同步和共享。 The hospital application of Chinese medicine gossip theory, combined with the characteristics of hospital information, scientific planning and construction of the eight platforms. Centralized implementation of the clinical business system, standardized and standardized design, to achieve a two-dimensional structured electronic medical records as the core clinical information database (CDR), support the realization of “ternary” information sharing model. At the same time, it also systematized, normalized and standardized the design of hospital personnel and other core management, information technology for organizational positions, business functions, process methods and data statistics, and realized the integration of human and financial resources and clinical business management data. At the same time, hospital administration office, teaching and scientific research management are fully realized, and the data are synchronized and shared with the business platform and the integrated management platform of people and property.
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