
来源 :党员干部之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huruiwangmin
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干部人事制度改革,是组织工作改革创新的主要任务之一,也是广大干部群众关注的焦点。党的十七大以来,各地组织部门围绕深化干部人事制度改革大胆探索实践,改革呈现良好发展势头。为进一步深化干部人事制度改革,据悉,中组部近期将召开全国干部人事制度改革工作会议,对当前和今后一个时期干部人事制度改革进行全面部署。这是继2000年6月在青岛召开的全国干部人事制度改革经验交流会之后召开的又一次关于干部人事制度改革的重要会议,必将有力推动新一轮干部人事制度改革进程。为此,从本期起本刊将从有关部门和地方组织一系列工作研讨、经验交流文章,以积极营造良好的改革氛围,更好地促进各地坚持改革,推动改革,深化改革。 The reform of the cadre and personnel system is one of the major tasks of organizing and reforming and innovating the work. It is also the focus of the cadres and masses. Since the 17th CPC National Congress, the organizational departments in various places have boldly explored and practiced on the issue of deepening the reform of the cadre and personnel system, and the reform has shown a good momentum of development. To further deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, it is learned that the Central Organization Department will hold a conference on the work of reforming the cadre and personnel system in the near future to conduct an all-round deployment of the reform of the cadre and personnel system at present and for some time to come. This is yet another important meeting on cadre and personnel system reform held after the exchange of experience and experiences of the national cadre and personnel system reform held in Qingdao in June 2000 and will certainly vigorously promote the reform process of the new round of cadre and personnel system. Therefore, from this issue, we will organize a series of work discussions and exchanging articles from relevant departments and local authorities so as to actively create a favorable atmosphere for reform and better promote the adherence to reforms, promotion of reforms and deepening of reforms across the country.