为政府分忧为百姓解愁 民政工作越来越重要

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第十二次全国民政会议11月23日至24日在北京举行。温家宝总理在会前会见与会代表并讲话。回良玉副总理出席会议,提出了未来5年民政工作的目标和要着力做好的8项重点工作。他指出,民政是上为党和政府分忧,下为基层群众解愁的德政善举,在构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大进程中具有不可替代的重要基础作用。这次会议是中共十六届六中全会后召开的首个专门研究社会事务的高层会议,拉开了全面落实六中全会决定、推进和谐社会建设的帷幕。 The 12th National Civil Affairs Conference was held in Beijing from November 23 to November 24. Premier Wen Jiabao met with the participants before the meeting and made a speech. Vice Premier Hui Liangyu attended the meeting and set forth the goal of civil affairs work in the next five years and eight key tasks to be done. He pointed out: Civil affairs is an ethical act of charity to share the worries of the party and the government and relieve the worries of the grass-roots masses. It plays an irreplaceable and important role in the great process of building a harmonious socialist society. The meeting was the first high-level meeting to be held after the 6th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee to study social affairs and opened the curtain of fully implementing the decision of the 6th Plenary Session and promoting the building of a harmonious society.
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