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我盟位于内蒙锡林郭勒盟草原,气候寒冷、干旱,年平均温度1—3℃,无霜期95—110天,冰冻期长达7个月,年降水量仅200—400毫米,而年蒸发量则大于降水量的8—10倍。土壤贫瘠,表土厚30—45厘米,地下有钙质层。这种自然条件造成了草原造林的不利因素,加上草原上的老残林及灌丛多虫多病,常常蔓延至人工林,引起大片人工林死亡。其中杨树死亡的主要原因,是由于白杨透翅蛾钻蛀树干,引起树势衰退,继之染腐烂病而死。我盟阿巴嘎旗林业工作站,对白杨透翅蛾的发生规律及防治方法进行了四年多的研究,在林业生产中起到了一足作用,现简介如下。 My League is located in Inner Mongolia Xilin Gol League grassland, cold climate, the average annual temperature of 1-3 ℃, frost-free period of 95-110 days, the freezing period of up to 7 months, the annual rainfall of only 200-400 mm, while the annual evaporation is greater than 8-10 times the amount of precipitation. Barren soil, topsoil 30-45 cm thick, underground calcareous layer. This natural condition has created unfavorable factors for afforestation on the prairie. In addition, the old remnants of forests and shrubs in the grasslands became sickly and often spread to plantations, causing the death of large-scale plantations. Among them, the main reason for the death of poplar stems from the fact that the poplar moth drills the trunk of the tree and causes the decline of the tree vigor, followed by the rot of the tree. The Abba Gap Forestry Station of our Union conducted more than four years of research on the occurrence and prevention methods of poplar moth and played a role in forestry production. The brief introduction is as follows.
我校自2010年6月接到云岩区教育局关于开展“云岩区‘三创一办’班班有歌声合唱比赛”的通知后,校长陈玉及分管少先队活动的副教导汪李莉都非常重视, Since June 2010, our
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十多年来,我们以慈利江垭林场为主,陆续对豹蠹蛾危害杜仲(Euc ommia ulmoides Oliv)作了一些调查,现将情况整理如下。一、形态特征豹蠹蛾属鳞翅目、木蠹蛾科(Cossidae),学名
目的 动态观察小于胎龄(SGA)鼠肝脏组织胰岛素样生长因于-Ⅰ(IGF-Ⅰ)及IGF结合蛋白(IGFBPs)的基因表达变化,以探讨SGA的可能发病机制。方法 子宫动脉结扎(UAL)建立宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)模型,应用逆转录(RT)-PCR测
因螨害而致蘑菇(Agaricus bisporus)大面积减产以至绝收,在文献上屡见报道。既有染螨菌种造成的危害,亦有如1980年福州建新公社10万平方尺蘑菇几遭绝收的报告。随着我省食用
为了解决番茄的均衡上市问题,近年来北京市郊大棚秋番茄的种植面积迅速增加。但是,由于这茬番茄播种期正值7月份的高温阶段,蚜虫猖厥,病毒病严重,对番茄产量影响较大。 北京
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