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曾经红极一时X10的智能家居时代而今已成为低端智能家居技术的代言词,取而代之的是风驰电掣的各种双向通讯技术,比如:PLCBUS、ZIGBEE等。然而对大多数人而言,PLCBUS技术依然笼罩着一层神秘的面纱,让我们感觉发展急速的PLCBUS技术因为高科技的融入而显得有些陌生。为什么PLCBUS技术发展的如此迅速?PLCBUS技术的硬件、软件构架又是怎样的呢?PLCBUS技术的起源和发展历史究竟是怎样的呢?她的未来又会如何发展呢? Once the smash hit X10 era of smart home has now become a low-end smart home technology, the pronoun, replaced by a variety of fast bidirectional communication technology, such as: PLCBUS, ZIGBEE and so on. However, for most people, PLCBUS technology is still enveloped in a layer of mysterious veil, let us feel the rapid development of PLCBUS technology because of high-tech into something strange. Why PLCBUS technology so rapid? PLCBUS technology hardware and software architecture is what? PLCBUS technology origin and development history is exactly what it is? Her future will be how to develop it?
This paper proposes a scalable scheme to generate n-atom GHZ states and cluster states by using the basic building block, i.e., a weak coherent optical pulse |
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