突出抓好四大阵地 五个面向 三项基础 充分发挥主力军作用 不断改革发展创新科协科普工作——徐善衍同志在二○○○年地方科协科普工作座谈会开幕式上的讲话(第二部分摘要)(二○○○年十月三十日)

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当前科协科普工作,应以党的十五大、十五届五中全会,以及“三个代表”重要思想和江泽民总书记关于加强科普工作的一系列指示精神为指导,以提高全民族科学文化素质为目标,切实履行科协宗旨,根据科协的性质,按照科普工作的自身特点和规律,面向新形势,研究新问题,不断改革、发展和创新,充分发挥出科协在科普工作中的主力军地位和作用,为实施科教兴国战略和可持续发展战略作出应有的贡献。基于以上指导思想,当前和今后一个时期,在全面做好科协科普工作的同时,要突出抓好以下几个方面的工作。这些工作的基本想法是基于对我们多年来开展科普工作经验的总结,虽然还是这些内容,但是我们开展工作的环境不同了。在这里主要想强调的是,一个是阵地建设的问题,另一个是“五个面向”的工作,即面向农村、面向城市、面向企业、面向青少年、面向领导干部的科普工作,最后是加强科普工作的基础性工作等。 At present, the popular science work of science and technology association should be guided by the important thinking of the 15th CPC Central Committee and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee and the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' and General Secretary Jiang Zemin's series of instructions on strengthening the work of science popularization, According to the nature of CAST, in accordance with its own characteristics and laws of science popularization work, face the new situation, study new problems, and constantly reform, develop and innovate, give full play to the role of CAST in science popularization Work in the position and role of the main force for the implementation of the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education and the strategy of sustainable development and make its due contribution. Based on the above guiding ideology, at present and for a period in the future, we should give prominence to the following work in carrying out the work of science popularization in science and technology in an all-round way. The basic idea behind these efforts is based on a summary of our many years of experience in science popularization and although these are the same, the environment in which we work is different. The main point to be emphasized here is that one is a matter of front-line construction and the other is a “five-oriented” work, that is, popularization of science popularization in rural areas, cities, enterprises, youths and leading cadres. Finally, Strengthen the basic work of popular science work.