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随着中国现代化建设事业的迅猛发展和中国西部大开发的火热进行,社会进步、经济发展对资源、能源的依赖性越来越大。特别地,现代社会对石油的需求越来越大,刺激着油田建设不断发展。尽管我国原油产量不断增长,但是仍然不能满足我国国民经济发展的需要。通过几代石油人的艰苦实践,在保证油井正常生产的前提下,我们确定了合理的油井泵沉没度可以最大限度地提高采油系统效率。根据北一区断东中部中216系统油井的资料,按照油井的不同含水级别,对油井沉没度与泵效关系进行了讨论,确立了加流动改进剂抽油机井合理沉没度初步范围。利用该范围对泵效低下的油井沉没度进行调整,取得了较好的效果。现笔者对加流动改进剂抽油机井合理沉没度与泵效的关系进行简要的分析和探讨。 With the rapid development of China’s modernization drive and the fiery development of China’s western region, social progress and economic development have become increasingly dependent on resources and energy. In particular, the growing demand for petroleum in modern society has stimulated the continuous development of oilfield construction. Despite the continuous growth of China’s crude oil production, it still can not meet the needs of our national economic development. Through the difficult practices of several generations of oil people, we have determined that a reasonable sump pump degree can maximize the efficiency of the oil recovery system while ensuring the normal production of the oil well. According to the data of No.216 system oil well in the middle part of the east part of Bei Yi District, the relationship between the submerged depth of the oil well and the pump efficiency is discussed in accordance with the different water cut levels of the oil well, and the initial range of reasonable submergence of the pumping well with flow improver is established. This range is used to adjust the submerged depth of oil well which has a low pump efficiency and achieved good results. Now I add the flow improver pumping wells reasonable submergence and pump efficiency of the relationship between a brief analysis and discussion.
<正> 3.排样图设计 多工位连续模的排样图设计的合理性不仅表现为较高的材料利用率,更主要的是,在确定的冲压工艺方案的基础上,排定并落实整个冲压过程所需工步及工位数、工
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
<正> 众所周知,铸造收缩率(ε)又称铸件收缩率或铸件线收缩率,是铸件从线收缩开始温度冷却至室温相对的线收缩量,以模样长度(L_1)与铸件长度(L_2)之差除以模样长度的百分比表
<正> 对于堆焊焊条而言,随着硬度的提高,必须加入较多的合金元素,以便形成马氏体、台金碳化物等高硬度组织,这时硬度虽然得到了提高,但马氏体等组织又使抗裂性明显下降。为了
<正> 我国自70年代推广应用树脂砂以来,树脂砂设备便在生产实践中不断完善和发展。就连续树脂砂混砂机而言,经几代产品的更新,已逐渐走向成熟。以前树脂和固化剂采用直接加入