大雪袭击机场 滞留旅客千人 民航气象部门提供优质服务

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2004年12月19日,受锋面和暖湿气流的共同影响,沈阳桃仙机场出现了入冬以来多年不遇的大风)天气。降)时间从清晨3时35分持续到下午14时35分,降)量为7.5mm,积)深度为15cm,最低能见度400m,阵风16mps,致使桃仙机场关闭11小时,110架航班受阻(70余架航班被延误,40余架航班被取消),因 December 19, 2004, affected by the combined effect of frontal and warm and humid air currents, Shenyang Taoxian Airport has experienced winds that have not hit the air for many years since entering winter. Down) from 3:35 am to 14:35 pm, with a drop of 7.5mm, a depth of 15cm, a minimum visibility of 400m and a gust of 16mps, resulting in the closure of Taoxian Airport for 11 hours and the blocking of 110 airlines More than 70 flights were delayed and more than 40 flights were canceled
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