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用人单位缴纳5%,个人缴纳2%,住院起付标准平均400元、自付比例平均13%,尿毒症血液透析100%报销。内行人一看就该琢磨:这么低的收缴比例,享受这么高的医疗待遇,基金一定会出风险。然而黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市执行这种医保标准至今,覆盖范围扩大到近52万人,不但实现了基金收支平衡,而且医疗服务程序规范、简化,百姓满意率不断攀升—— The employer pays 5%, the individual pays 2%, the hospital pays the standard average 400 Yuan, pays the proportion averagely 13%, the uremic hemodialysis 100% reimburses. Insiders should look at the pondering: such a low collection rate, enjoy such a high medical treatment, the fund will certainly be at risk. However, the implementation of this kind of health insurance standard in Qiqihar City of Heilongjiang Province so far has expanded the coverage to nearly 520,000 people. Not only has the fund balance been achieved, but also the medical service procedures have been standardized and simplified, and the rate of people’s satisfaction has been on the rise -
目的:分析8 例经临床手术证实为不典型肥厚性幽门狭窄的X 表现对辅助临床诊断的意义.材料与方法:回顾分析我院8 例经临床手术证实为不典型肥厚性幽门狭窄病例:其中男6 例,女2