High Efficient Blowing Technique for Large and Medium Converters

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hordark
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The high efficient blowing technique includes increasing oxygen supply intensity and optimizing slag forming. The oxygen supply intensity on 300 t converters of No.1 steelmaking shop at Baosteel reaches 3.83 m3/(t·min), and at Taiyuan Steel, Lianyuan Steel, Pingxiang Steel and other steel plants, the oxygen supply intensity on medium converters is in the range of 4.0-4.4 m3/(t·min). The productivity of converter can be increased by 8%-15% with adopting this technique. The whole technique, including design and manufacture of lance nozzle with reasonable pacnolontenue of outlets, technique of oxygen supply and slag forming, has been developed by CISRI to meet the need of technique transfer. The high efficient blowing technique includes increasing oxygen supply intensity and optimizing slag forming. The oxygen supply intensity on 300 t converters of No. 1 steelmaking shop at Baosteel reaches 3.83 m3 / (t · min), and at Taiyuan Steel, Lianyuan Steel, Pingxiang Steel and other steel plants, the oxygen supply intensity on medium converters is in the range of 4.0-4.4 m3 / (t · min). The productivity of converter can be increased by 8% -15% with adoption this technique. The whole technique , including design and manufacture of lance nozzle with reasonable pacnolontenue of outlets, technique of oxygen supply and slag forming, has been developed by CISRI to meet the need of technique transfer.
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