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自有人类以来就有腐败,它像一个阴影,笼罩着五千年文明史,严重制约着社会的健康发展。进入新世纪,我国改革开放进入攻坚阶段,改节、发展和稳定的任务日益繁重,人们的思想观念更加复杂。在这种特殊的历史时期,腐败侵害着人民的肌体,阻碍着我国各项事业的健康发展。为此,党和国家把反腐败当作一场重要的政治斗争,出台了一系列防腐反腐的政策措施。本文拟就权力腐败谈点浅陋的看法。一、要找准腐败的要害腐败的种类很多,以权某私、以色谋权、滥用职权、买官卖官……不胜枚举,形式多样变化无常。那么,腐败的实质和核心到底是什么呢?江总书记曾一针见血地指出:“官吏的腐败、司法的腐败,是最大的腐败,是滋生和助长其他腐败的重要原因。”也就是说,腐败的要害和核心是权力腐败。权力腐败是指权力异化的极端表现形式,其主要特征是国家工作人员为谋求某种特殊利益而滥用职权,违反或偏离公共职责的行为和现象。权力是把双刃 Since its own human beings have been corrupt, it is like a shadow, shrouded in the history of 5,000 years of civilization, seriously restricting the healthy development of society. In the new century, China’s reform and opening up have entered a crucial stage. The task of revising, developing and stabilizing the economy is becoming more and more arduous, and people’s ideas and concepts are more complicated. In this special historical period, corruption has infringed on the people’s body and hindered the healthy development of various undertakings in our country. To this end, the party and the state have made anti-corruption an important political struggle and have promulgated a series of policies and measures for preventing corruption and fighting corruption. This article intends to talk about the power of corruption shallow point of view. First, we must identify the key to corruption There are many types of corruption, the right to privacy, the right to seek power, abuse of power, to buy a government ... ... numerous, varied and unpredictable form. So what is the substance and core of corruption? General Secretary Jiang once pointed out sharply: “Official corruption and judicial corruption are the most important causes of corruption and other corruption.” In other words, corruption The key and core is power corruption. Corruption of power refers to the extreme manifestation of the alienation of power. Its main feature is the abuse of power by state personnel in pursuit of a special interest and the violation or deviation from public duties. Power is double-edged
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小学数学虽说是数学最基础的部分,小学数学的教学内容虽说是数学最简单、最基本的知识,但是小学数学同样具有数学的高度抽象性、缜密推理性和应用广泛性的特征。因此,小学数学不仅仅是教学生掌握简单的概念、法则、公式,还应该教学生去探索数学、去创造数学。  在现代和未来的社会里,教育的真正意义已不在于教给学生一堆知识,而在于教给学生掌握学习方法,使学生学会学习,让学生在有限的生命历程中去掌握无限增长的知识。因
摘要:数学概念极具抽象性,倘若在组织概念教学的时候,教师仍旧一味地采取传统的照本宣科的方式来引导学生学习,那么学生只会在抽象的概念中迷失方向,不知道这些概念在讲些什么。针对这一情况,教师需要概念传统的教学方式,以多样化的手段来引导学生自主探究数学概念,其中变式教学不失为一种有效的方式。  关键词:高中数学;概念教学;变式教学  所谓的变式教学主要是指教师在组织课堂教学的时候采取变式的方式来引导学生