第4讲 聚焦“瞬间”,美现精彩

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文章不是无情物,情到深处辞自发。夏蝉一鸣,代价是生命的香消玉殒;而为一鸣,却是深埋地底17年的漫漫长夜,这拨动了小思的生命之弦,弹奏出《蝉》的生命乐章。紫藤萝瀑布前,曾经历无限沧桑的那树紫藤萝,蓬勃成从空中垂下,不见其发端,也不见其终极的紫藤萝瀑布,伫立于这片辉煌的淡紫色前的宗璞,瞬间陷入对生死谜、手足情的沉浸感悟。课文不是无情物,慢掘细嚼有密码。杨绛渐渐明白的一个幸运人时一个不幸者的愧怍,竟源自别离人间的老王与她告别的那个瞬间。这个瞬间,因为有对老王“不幸而善良”之底色背景的层层铺垫,尤显杨绛的贫民情怀和善良美德。经典文章常常源自经典瞬间,经典瞬间无不经过前因的蓄势铺垫和后果的挖掘丰富,而愈久弥香。 The article is not a heartless thing, love deep into words spontaneously. Xia Chan Yat Ming, the price is the life of the incense Xiaoyu; and Yat Ming, it is buried in the end of the long night of 17 years, which drove a small thinking of the strings of life, playing a “cicada” life movement . Wisteria Rose Falls, has experienced unlimited vicissitudes that tree Wisteria radish, thrive from the air, not seen its origin, nor its ultimate wisteria waterfalls, standing in front of this brilliant lilac Zongpu, instantly caught in the right The mystery of life and death, feelings of brotherhood immersion. Text is not a heartless thing, slowly dig and chew a password. Yang Jiang gradually understand a lucky man when an unfortunate shame, actually derived from the human Pharaoh and her goodbye to that moment. This moment, because of the background of the old king “unfortunate and kindhearted ” background bedding, especially Yang Jiang’s poor feelings and good virtue. Classic articles are often derived from the classic moment, the classic moment all through the antecedents of the accumulation and enrichment of the consequences of mining, and the more lasting fragrance.
【摘 要】同时制取地板采暖和卫生热水的溴化锂吸收式热泵机组,实现一机多用。提高机组的利用效率,实现节能减排。  【关键词】溴化锂吸收式热泵机组 一机多用 节能减排  【Abstract】At the same time, preparation of floor heating and sanitary hot water by lithium bromide absorption heat pu
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1 病例介绍 患者 女,37岁。主因间断性头痛12年,于1999年5月6日住院。查体:右顶局部无隆起,叩痛(+),神经系统检查未见阳性体征。否认头部外伤史。X线头颅侧位片右顶条索状高
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