
来源 :混凝土与水泥制品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simetl1235
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建设部重点推广项目—“预应力高强混凝土管桩的生产及应用开发”由苏州混凝土水泥制品研究院完成,荣获1998年度建材行业部级科技进步二等奖、1999年度国家级科技进步三等奖。PHC管桩广泛应用于工业与民用建筑、港口码头、水利、电力、公路、桥梁等领域。PHC管桩具有下列特点:1.混凝土强度高(大于C80等级),耐锤击性能好;2.单桩承载力大,单位承载力的价格便宜;3.材料用量少,自重轻(混凝土用量为方桩的70%,钢筋用量为方桩的30%~50%);4.桩身结构定型化、标准化、设计选用范围广,布桩容易;5.适应多种沉桩工艺,沉桩过程中用开口桩尖时,挤土量小,可贯入性好; Ministry of Construction focus on the promotion of the project - “prestressed high-strength concrete pipe pile production and application development ” completed by the Suzhou Concrete Cement Research Institute, won the 1998 building materials industry ministerial-level scientific and technological progress second prize, 1999 annual national scientific and technological progress three Award. PHC pipe piles are widely used in industrial and civil buildings, port terminals, water conservancy, electricity, roads, bridges and other fields. PHC pipe pile has the following characteristics: 1. Concrete strength (greater than C80 grade), good resistance to hammering performance; 2. Single pile bearing capacity, the unit bearing capacity of the cheap; 3. Less material, light weight (concrete The amount of square pile 70%, the amount of steel for the square pile 30% ~ 50%); 4 pile body structure stereotypes, standardization, design a wide range of selection, easy piling; 5 adapt to a variety of pile sinking process, sink In the pile process, when the open pile tip is used, the amount of soil squeezing is small and the penetration is good.
2001年9月20日,中共中央印发《公民道德建设实施纲要》,到现在已经两年多。 今年3月30曰,省委副书记、省文明委主任孙淦,省委常委、省委宣传部部长、省文明委副主任张健,副省
A three-dimensional suspended sediment model (SED) developed by the present authors is coupled with the combinatorial model of COHERENS (Luyten et al., 1999) (t
024急性肝功能不全时血清洋地黄样物质的变化及其临床意义[日]/友田隆…//肝脏;一1993,34(1);一8~17作者等以18名健康人为对照,收集急性肝炎(AH)10例,凝血酶原时间(PT)在40%以下,无Ⅱ度以上昏迷的急性重症肝炎(AHs)12例... 024
本文报告12例经手术及病理证实之肠系膜淋巴结核。在腹腔结核中,以肠、腹膜及肠系膜淋巴结核为多见,三者多同时并存,亦可以某一种为主,此12例病例均非单独存在。 1 一般资料