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在宜昌市城郊以北十华里处,座落一个闪烁改革开放巨大成果的小集镇——鳞次栉比的居民住宅楼,热闹非凡的工厂车间,纵横交织的条条马路,碧波荡漾的荷花鱼池,勾画出了一幅较为壮观的小康村庄缩影。这就是宜昌县小溪塔镇黄金卡村。 黄金卡村面积3平方公里,4个村民小组,618户1722人。村里办有学校、卫生室、广播室和储蓄所,有影视厅和饭庄酒店,成立了青、妇、兵、老年协会、红白理事会、军烈属服务站等群众团体组织。村委会下设企业总公司,在村党支部的领导下,实行一套班子三块牌子。企业总公司下属企业共有251家,其中村办17家,个体私营234家,从业人员达611人。全村拥有固定资产2276万元。总公司严格履行产权分离,自负盈亏,民事独立的经营体制。 黄金卡人以豪迈的气概,巧借三峡工程建设上马机遇,立足城郊地理位置优势,利用西陵峡畔宝地自然资源,发挥三峡咽喉交通要道专长,迎难而上,敢为天下先,发展工业,猛促第三产业。近几年来,全村的经济发展出现了前所未有的好势头。1993年被省民政厅授予“楚天明星村”荣誉称号,1993年至1995年连续三年被中共宜昌市委、市人民政府授予 Located in the center of Yichang City in the suburbs of Ten Huasheng, is located in a small town sparkling the great achievements of reform and opening up - row upon row of residential buildings, bustling factory workshop, criss-cross the lanes, blue waves of the lotus pond, outlined A more spectacular portrait of well-off village. This is Yichang County Xiaoxitatuo gold card village. Gold Card Village area of ​​3 square kilometers, 4 villagers group, 618 households 1722 people. The village has schools, clinics, radio room and savings, there are video room and restaurant hotel, the establishment of the youth, women, soldiers, senior citizens Association, Red and White Council, military service stations and other mass organizations. Under the village committee set up corporate headquarters, under the leadership of the village party branch, the implementation of a set of three brands. There are totally 251 subordinate enterprises in the headquarter, of which 17 are village-run, 234 are self-employed and private, with 611 employees. The village has 22.76 million yuan in fixed assets. Head office strictly implement property separation, self-financing, civil independent management system. Gold Card people with bold style, skillfully borrowed opportunities for the construction of the Three Gorges Project, based on the suburbs of the geographical advantages, the use of Xiling Gorge treasure natural resources, play the Three Gorges throat traffic thoroughfare expertise, the difficulties, the courage to the world, the development of industry , To urge the tertiary industry. In recent years, there has been an unprecedented good momentum in the economic development of the whole village. In 1993 by the provincial Civil Affairs Department awarded the “Chutian Star Village” honorary title, from 1993 to 1995 for three consecutive years by the CPC Yichang municipal government awarded
目前,已采用半固态成形法(SSF)生产高质量铝和镁零件,尤其是在汽车制造工业中。半固态金属加工工艺与常规的铸造工艺相比有如下的优点: Currently, semi-solid state formi
Objective:To observe the effect of early intervention using extract of Huannao Yicong Decoction (还脑益聪方,HYD) on the pathological picture of hippocampus,neur
第二部分 柳琴的神韵 中国音乐讲究旋律美,强调风格突出。每个民族,每个地区由于生活环境、语言习俗的不同,便都拥有不同的特色、韵味。熟悉的人一听就能听出这是河南味,这是