
来源 :上海医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catloveless
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自 Moynahan 等(Lancet,I:677,1973)报告低锌的肠病性肢端皮炎(下称 AE)患者给予锌治疗以来,此法已引起重视。现将我院3例报道如下。[例1]男婴,7个月。人工喂养。腹泻40余天,近日加剧,每天大便10余次,无脓血便史,近一周食欲减退。无家族史及父母近亲结婚史。体检:体重5公斤,发育迟缓,营养不良水肿,头发稀疏易脱落,两侧眉毛脱落.可见眼睑炎、舌炎及甲沟炎。皮损情况:口、耳周、臀部、膝、手足肢端等处皮疹呈皮状糜烂、鳞屑、牛皮癣斑块,并有少许结痂.肝肿大肋下3厘米。实验室检查:血红蛋白9.6克%,红细胞338万/立方毫米,总蛋白3.3克%.IgG、IgA、IgM 分别为1,400、94、142毫 Since Moynahan et al. (Lancet, I: 677, 1973) have reported zinc therapy in patients with low-zinc enterocolitis acuitis (hereinafter referred to as AE), this method has attracted much attention. Now in our hospital 3 cases are reported as follows. [Example 1] Baby boy, 7 months. Artificial feeding. More than 40 days of diarrhea, recently intensified more than 10 times a day stool, no history of purulent blood, the loss of appetite nearly a week. No family history and parental marriage history. Physical examination: weight 5 kg, stunted, malnutrition edema, hair thinning easy to fall off on both sides of the eyebrows, visible blepharitis, glossitis and paronychia. Lesions: mouth, ear, hip, knee, hand, foot and other rash were skin erosions, scales, psoriasis plaque, and a little crusting. Hematoma large ribs 3 cm. Laboratory tests: hemoglobin 9.6 g%, erythrocytes 3.38 million / cubic millimeter, total protein 3.3 g% .IgG, IgA, IgM were 1,400,94,142 milliseconds
续裹3-1到1993年9月1日止中国专利局已授权的焊接技术领域的实用新型专利·序号实用新型专利名称 申请日 公告日 专利号 授权日 专利权人 设计人640 薄板焊接电焊机 1991 09
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Has the expansion of HongKong’s economy produced any foam? This article gave us its analysis with following indices:nominal assets value/gross national assets