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京西为北京著名的煤乡,其煤业“发轫于辽金之前,滥觞于元明之后”,大发展于新中国成立以后,已有上千年历史。门头沟区龙泉务村于1991年至1994年进行考古发掘,出土了大量辽金时期文物,除辽三彩外,还有炉灰渣和未烧尽的煤核,说明早在辽代或辽代以前,京西已开始开采和使用煤炭。元代熊梦祥寓居斋堂,编著了《析津志》,书中道:“金、银、铜、铁、锡、画眉石,同出斋堂。其石烧锅、铫、盘、其百年亦不损坏,得名画眉石,于开采煤炭时产出。”虽迄今在斋堂尚未找到烧制砂锅的遗迹,但地处原北京矿务局王平村煤矿井田范围的安家滩、官道两村以煤石烧制砂锅的遗址仍存。据王平村龙岩寺元元统二年(1334年)塔幢证实,其时王平地区隶属斋堂乡。相传京城砂锅居在历史上多使用安家滩所产砂锅。当然,煤炭的最大用途还是作燃料,用于生活取暖和炊灶。 West Beijing is a famous coal town in Beijing. Its coal industry “started its development before the Liao and Jin Dynasties and started its development after the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.” After its establishment, the great development of the coal industry has existed for thousands of years. Longquan Village, Mentougou District, carried out archaeological excavations from 1991 to 1994 and unearthed a large number of cultural relics in the Liao and Jin Dynasties. In addition to Liao San Cai, as well as furnace slag and unburnt coal cores, it shows that as early as the Liao and Liao dynasties In the past, Beijing West began mining and using coal. Xiong Mengxiang Yuan dwelling Zhaitang, compiled a “analysis of Jin Chi,” the book said: “gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, thrush, with the same hall. Damaged, named thrush, produced in the mining of coal. ”Although so far in Zhaitang have not found the remains of firing casserole, but located in the former Beijing Mining Bureau Wang Pingcun Coal mine field range of Anji beach, Guan Road, two villages Coal stone casserole remains. According to Wang Pingcun Longyan Temple yuan yuan system for two years (1334) towers confirmed that at the time under the jurisdiction of Wang Ping Zhaitang area. According to legend, Beijing casserole living in the history of the more use of the beach produced casserole. Of course, the biggest use of coal is still used as fuel for domestic heating and cooking stoves.
【摘要】通过对《背影》课堂教学反思和总结,看出了平时课堂教学的不足,本文强调了反思性教学在初中语文教学中的重要性,通过反思可以改善课堂气氛,增进师生交流,提高课堂效率。  【关键词】《背影》初中语文课堂反思性教学  初中语文课堂教学在整个初中教学是极其重要的一环,初中语文教师应当适时的对语文课堂进行反思和总结,看到教学中的问题并及时的将其解决,下面通过《背影》的课堂教学案例来进行具体的分析。  一