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陕西澄城县业善乡农村信用社魏家斜村信用站信贷员马百党同志现年54岁,中共党员,1967年从事信用站工作。34年来,他忠于党的信用合作事业,始终牢记共产党员为人民服务的宗旨,爱岗敬业、恪尽职守、无私奉献,全心全意为群众服务,在关键时刻不惜牺牲个人生命保卫集体财产,在平凡的岗位上做出了不平凡的业绩。34年来,他一人累计揽储5380万元,使魏家斜村信用站各项存款余额达到402.5万元,成为澄城县人均存款余额最高的信用站;他一手累计发放贷款5141万元,没有一分钱的呆账,在魏家斜村信用站的103万元贷款余额中,没有一笔逾期和呆账贷款。34年来,他热爱生他养他的这片热土,他不仅时刻牢记信用社宗旨、诚实守信,坚持正义、不怕牺牲,而且舍“小家”为“大家”,乐于奉献。他不知道自家地里种些啥,什么时候需施肥、打药、收获,甚至妻子生了病、女儿食物中毒,也没功夫伺候照管。在妻子眼里他不是个“好男人”,在老百姓眼里他却是个真正的好公仆。马百党同志是“三个代表”重要思想的忠实实践者,是全国64万多名信合员工中涌现出的先进典型,是广大信合员工学习的榜样。我们应该以马百党同志为榜样,转变工作作风,改进支农服务,结合自身实际情况,进一步强化经营管理,端正支农方向,踏踏实实地做好支持“三农”的工作,为改 Chengcheng County, Shaanxi Chengxiang rural Credit Cooperative Weijia slope Village Credit Station loan officer Ma Bailang comrade 54 years old, member of the Communist Party of China, engaged in credit station work in 1967. Over the past 34 years, he has been loyal to the party’s cause of credit cooperation. He has always kept in mind the party members’ purpose of serving the people, dedication, dedication and selfless dedication, wholeheartedly serving the people, safeguarding their collective property at the crucial moment and sacrificing their personal lives in ordinary jobs Made an extraordinary performance. Over the past 34 years, he has accumulated a total of 53.8 million yuan in Lancun, making the deposit balance of Weijia Diacun Credit Station 4.0225 million yuan, becoming the credit station with the highest balance of per capita deposits in Chengcheng County. He has totally donated 51.41 million yuan in loans, A penny of bad debt, Wei Jiajiaocun Credit Station 103000000 yuan loan balance, there is no overdue and bad loans. Over the past 34 years, he loves this hot spot where he lives his life. Not only does he always keep in mind the purpose of the credit cooperatives, honesty and trustworthiness, upholding justice and not sacrificing sacrifices, and he is willing to dedicate himself to being a “small family”. He did not know what to plant in his homeland, when he needed fertilization, fight drugs, harvest, and even his wife was sick, her daughter was poisoned and did not have time to take care of it. In the eyes of his wife he is not a “good man”, in the eyes of ordinary people he is a real good public servant. As a loyal practitioner of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and as the advanced model that emerged among the more than 640,000 co-workers in the country, Comrades Ma Hundred Party is an example for the majority of people working in co-ordination with staff. We should take the example of the Mabai Party to change its style of work and improve the services for supporting agriculture. In light of its own actual conditions, we should further strengthen management and administration and correct the direction of supporting agriculture. We should do a good job in supporting the “three rural issues” in a down-to-earth manner,
2013年7月28日,Nature Chemical Biology在线发表了中科院上海生科院生化与细胞所李林研究组的最新研究成果——发现了一个新的Wnt信号通路的小分子激动剂N-甲基-4-乙基-5,6-
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上海市奉贤区庄行古镇,小桥流水,绿树环抱。这里有一处小屋,名曰“王海草舍”(四个大字由中国版画泰斗杨可扬生前题写),王海便是这居室的主人。  农民  王海(取笔名王海,意为在诗歌的海洋里畅游),原名王金千,1937年2月20日生。他在老家庄行这块土地上过着“日出而作,日落而归”的农家生活。  王海是一位地地道道的农民,他家原有6亩承包田(自喻一管笔与6亩田攀缘,牛拉不完其故事)。他头戴草帽,脚穿草
你有没有这样的体验:经常觉得累,觉得压力大,其实也没干什么;经常觉得活着没意思,不知道自己到底想要什么;有时候清楚了自己要什么,有了努力方向,还没怎么干呢,就累了;然后打了鸡血,但坚持不了多久,不一会儿鸡血就干了。  怎么回事?这实际上是因为你内耗了。  我们都曾跟自己默默较劲  内耗的很大原因来自于你内心的要强,想要变得优秀。比如:  你想要好的成绩。虽然你想要的不是大富大贵,但是你总容易对自己
Jewett(1970年)氏利用小型电子计算机均和仪(response averagin computer)第一次成功地从人颅顶部描记出听觉脑干电反应(Brain stem electric response BSER或BSR)。近三、