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读了《党建》第八期孙凤武同志给编辑部的来信,深有所感。我认为,党建工作应当从根本上作出一些反思了。反思的核心问题,主要包括两个方面:一是党的组织建设、思想建设和理论建设应当改革,以适应现代化建设的需要;二是从实际出发,确立党员在政治、经济乃至日常生活的行为座标。党员在党内有行为准则,在社会中也要有明确的行为座标。确定党员的行为的座标问题,在当前具有现实意义。座标定高了,会形同虚设,造成行为与座标脱节;定低了,又会降低标准,失去了先进性有损于党员的形象。因此,有必要对党员标准中一些似是而非的问题重新认识,并加以澄清。孙凤武同志的来信中讲 Having read the letter dated 8th of Sun Yat-sen’s “Party Building” to the editorial department, I feel deeply. In my opinion, the party building work should fundamentally make some reflections. The core issues of reflection include two aspects: First, the party’s organizational construction, ideological construction and theoretical construction should be reformed to meet the needs of the modernization drive. Second, starting from the reality, we should establish the behavior of party members in politics, economy and even daily life coordinate. Party members have a code of conduct in the party, and they must also have clear behavioral coordinates in society. The issue of determining the coordinates of the behavior of party members is of practical significance at present. Coordinates set high, will be negligent, resulting in behavior and coordinate out of touch; set low, and will reduce the standard, loss of advancement is detrimental to the image of party members. Therefore, it is necessary to re-understand and clarify some of the plausible problems in party membership standards. Comrade Sun Fengwu’s letter said
目的 观察右美托咪定辅助全身麻醉在中老年胃肠道肿瘤患者手术中的应用效果.方法 选择2017年10月-2019年2月在广东省东莞市中堂医院接受治疗的中老年胃肠道肿瘤患者84例,所有
河北省南官市委为切实加强对党政机关和领导干部的监督,采取了四项新的措施:一、党风评议:采取“由下评上”的办法,让基层党员和群众代表参加党风评议会,用无记名投票 In o
目的:新辅助化疗后手术(NACT+RS组)、直接手术(DS组)、根治性放疗(RT组)三种模式治疗ⅠB2、ⅡA2期宫颈癌的疗效对比分析。  方法:收集了2010年4月至2015年3月期间在我院妇