中央人民政府内务部 中央人民政府人民革命军事委员会总政治部关于明年新年至春节期间进行拥军优属和拥政爱民工作的指示

来源 :安徽省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjichao
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一九五三年新年春节期间,地方人民政府应领导当地人民群众进行拥护人民军队和优待烈、军属及革命残废军人的工作;同时,在中国人民解放军的全体人员中,应进行拥护人民政府和爱护人民的工作。在军爱民、民拥军的口号下进一步提高觉悟,加强团结,巩固国防,开展大规模的经济建设,并粉碎美帝国主义者侵略阴谋。一、要在地方工作人员和人民群众中深入宣传人民军队的优良品质和英勇作战的事迹。如人民军队的英勇杀敌,保卫边疆,参加建设,学习文化,热爱祖国,热爱人民等等。并说明人民军队之所以有如此优良品质,是因为他们是人民的子弟兵,有中国共产党的领导,并受到毛主席的培养与教育的结果。为了生动具体地进行这个教育,可邀请军队中的战斗英雄、学习模范和中国人民第二届赴朝慰问团作报告,或组织座谈,用他们亲自经历和目睹耳闻的事例来说明人民军队确是最可爱的人,以加强拥军优属的观念。二、要深入宣传三年来我们祖国建设的伟大成就,并说明这是因为有了毛主席及各级人民政府的正确领导,和广大人民艰苦奋斗创造的成绩,为了生动具体地进行这个教育,在部队中可邀请当地党政干部和拥军优属模范、劳动模范作报告,或组织座谈,以加强拥政爱民的观念。 During the Spring Festival of 1953, local people's governments should lead the local people in carrying out their work of supporting the people's army and treating the handicapped, militarists and disabled handicapped personnel. At the same time, among the entire staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, local people's governments should take the lead in supporting the people's government and Love people's work. Under the slogan of “supporting the army, loving the people and supporting the army,” they should further raise their awareness, strengthen unity, consolidate their national defense, carry out large-scale economic construction and smash the aggression of the U.S. imperialists. First, we must thoroughly publicize the excellent quality of the people's army and the deeds of heroic combat among local staff and the people. Such as the heroic killing of the people's army, defending the frontier, participating in construction, studying culture, loving the motherland and loving the people. It also shows that the reason why the People's Army has such good qualifications is that they are the children's army and have the leadership of the CPC and the result of Chairman Mao's training and education. In order to carry out this education in a vivid and concrete manner, the heroic fighters in the army may be invited to learn exemplary models and report the second visit of the Chinese people to the DPRK delegation to the DPRK or to organize informal discussions on the examples they personally experienced and witnessed to show that the people's army is indeed The most lovely people, to strengthen the concept of favoring the army. Second, we must in-depth publicize the great achievements made in the construction of our motherland in the past three years and show that this is because, with the correct leadership of Chairman Mao and the people's governments at all levels and the achievements made by the vast majority of the people in their hard work, in order to vividly and concretely carry out this education, The army may invite local Party and government cadres and model elites who support the army, model workers for reports, or organize forum discussions to strengthen the concept of supporting the government and loving the people.
他们是中国航天队伍中一支神秘的能征善战的铁甲雄师。 他们白手起家,成功完成我国所有返回式航天器的搜寻、现场处置任务,不仅创下了中国航天史上的数个第一,还荣获“中国载
父亲走了十多年了。作为他最小的儿子,站在他的墓前,对着他的雕像,我想说些什么呢?我能说些什么呢?他老人家走过的这百年,是中国扭转乾坤、翻覆天地的百年。这百年的中国历史太丰富了,他的人生历程也太丰富了,我看不尽,听不够,也享用不完。我只能在我的思念中寻找,寻找他老人家在我一生中留下最深烙印的东西。  对人,要做“雪中送炭”的事情  少儿时,父亲就教育我们说:对人,要做“雪中送炭”的事情。他还不止一次
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