《连升三级》来贺岁 “一鸡两味”喜盈盈

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新春期间到处洋溢着喜庆的气息,粤剧戏班都会向观众献上欢快轻松、热闹高兴的好戏。由粤剧名旦倪惠英领衔的广州粤剧团应此需要,经过密锣紧鼓的排练,推出了新编的古装戏《连升三级》,特别受到广大观众的欢迎,这是因为:第一,此剧是在省、市多个剧团中新春期间献演的唯一一个新戏。第二,此剧是在大年初一唯一安排在广州剧场里上演的大戏。在西关的平安大戏院里,全场座无虚席。第三,此剧“一鸡两味”——既在粤剧舞台上响锣,又同时搬上电视荧屏。年三十晚与年初一晚上,分为上、下两集在广东电视珠江台“粤韵风华”栏目中播出。第四,此剧是个讽刺喜剧,由丑生担纲,为粤剧界近年少见。有不少观众反映说:“已经好多年没睇到咁好(?)喜剧啦,真过瘾!”《连升三级》一剧演的是个颇为荒唐的故事——明朝崇祯年间,阉党横行,考场腐败。不学无术的纨绔子弟贾福吉垂涎才女甄似雪,遭到拒绝后心生不忿,在算命先生的怂恿下,冒名上京赴考,与阉党魏忠贤意外路遇,被荐入考院,加上考官作弊,为他偷换试卷,竟保他中了状元,而且在御宴中一再为之遮掩,使他蒙混过去。后来魏忠贤做寿,令贾福古献上寿联,贾福古一筹莫展,只 During the Spring Festival, there is a festive atmosphere full of joy. Cantonese opera troupes will give the audience a cheerful, lively and happy show. The Guangzhou Cantonese Opera Troupe led by Cantonese filmist Ni Hui-ying desperately needs to launch a new costume drama called “Rising 3” after intensive and intensive rehearsals. It is especially welcomed by the majority of audience because: First, This drama is the only new drama to be performed during the Spring Festival in various theater groups in the province and city. Second, the show is the only show to be staged in the Guangzhou Theater on the first day of the New Year. In the west of the Grand Theater, the audience packed. Third, the play “a chicken two taste ” - both in the Cantonese opera stage gongs, but also on the TV screen. On the night of the 30th and the beginning of the year, it is divided into upper and lower episodes and broadcast on the column of Guangdong TV Pearl River Delta “Cantonese”. Fourthly, the show is a satirical comedy featuring the Ugly students, a rare occurrence in recent years in the Cantonese opera world. Many viewers said: “It’s been a good comedy for many years (?) Comedy, it’s fun!” “Uplifting 3” is a rather ridiculous story - Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty , Illeter rampant, test room corruption. Jiao Fuji, a non-learned boy, coveted Tseng Hsueh-hsueh before being rejected. After being rejected by his fortune-teller, he was fooled into Beijing to take the test and joined with Wei Zhongxian Cheating on the examiner, for his steal paper, actually protect him in the champion, but also in the Royal banquet to cover it again and again, so he was mixed with the past. Later, Wei Zhongxian life, so Jiafu ancient sacrifice Shou United, Jaffo can not do anything, only
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