Experimental Investigation of Second Interface Cement Bond Evaluation

来源 :石油科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tata890
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Cement bond model wells (1:10 scaled-down) were made with a gradually degrading cement annulus for cement bond evaluation of the first interface (between the casing and the cement annulus) and the second interface (between the cement annulus and the formation).Experimental simulation on cement bond logging was carried out with these model wells.The correlation of acoustic waveforms,casing wave energy and free casing area before and after cement bonding of the second interface was established.The experimental results showed that the arrival of the casing waves had no relationship with the cement bonding of the second interface,but the amplitude of the casing head wave decreased obviously after the second interface was bonded.So,cement bonding of the second interface had little effect on the evaluation of the cement bond quality of the first interface by using casing head wave arrivals.Strong cement annulus waves with early arrivals were observed before the second interface was bonded,while obvious formation waves instead of cement annulus waves were observed after the second interface was bonded.
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