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自岑登出道后,他便取代了拥有世界第一速度的奥维马斯。从此荷兰的左路进攻就如同一团熊熊燃烧的烈焰。这个粗壮的小个子有一头棕黄色的长发,全名是鲍德温·岑登,年方23岁,体能好、冲击力强、攻防皆备,活动范围贯穿左路,说具体一点就是在本方底线与对方底线之间。与巅峰时期的奥维马斯相比,其绝对速度也许略逊一筹,但他的火热是奥维马斯枯干的身形所无法比拟的。他会沿边路一直狂飚到对方底线,几个家伙的贴身防守都拿他没办法——不是追不上,而是挡不住。里杰卡尔德审时度势,把奥维马斯的左脚放在了右边。岑登经常一个人面对几层防守队员一层一层地突破,就像一个灼热的火球在绿菌场上横冲直撞,他的能量你无法计算,任何每一个铜墙铁壁都能被他所融化。所以岑登得到球,后卫们立刻后退——绝对不给他提供燃烧的氧气。但这小子还是能用他巨大的热量烤得对手叫苦不迭。和许多天才的荷兰球员不同。岑登并非出身于阿贾克斯,所以在他的骨子里并没有什么傲气,你甚至可以用朴实来形容面前的这个生龙活虎的小伙子。他的成名作是在98年世界杯季军争夺战中以一记孤线极其怪异的抽射敲开了克的大门,尽管最后荷兰输掉了比赛。他还是被豪门巴在那里他的火热又把塞尔吉逼到板登上……不管在什么地方,都是一团极速狂飚的烈 Since Cenden debuted, he replaced Olamas, the world’s fastest. From the Dutch left offensive like a raging fire. This sturdy little man has a long brown hair, full name is Baldwin Zenden, year-old 23 years old, good physical fitness, strong impact, offensive and defensive preparations are prepared, the scope of activities throughout the left, that is specific in this party Between the bottom line and the bottom line. Compared with the peak period of Owemamas, the absolute speed may be slightly inferior, but his fiery Omarma withered body can not match. He will be mad along the sidelines to the other side of the bottom line, a few guys have personal defense to get him no way - not to catch up, but can not stop. Rijkaard scrutinized the situation and put Olamas left foot to the right. Zenden often face several layers of defensive players a breakthrough, like a burning fireball rampage in the green field, his energy you can not calculate, any iron wall can be melted by him. So Zenden got the ball, the guards immediately retreated - absolutely not to provide him with burning oxygen. But this guy can still grind his opponent with his immense heat. Unlike many talented Dutch players. Zenden was not born in Ajax, so there is no arrogance in his bones, and you can even describe in simple terms the lively young man in front of him. His fame is knocking open the door to Croatia in the extremely weird volley of a solitary line in the 98th World Cup runner-up, although Holland finally lost the game. He is still being a giants bar where his hot and Sergio forced to plate board ... ... no matter where it is a group of speed mad Biao strong
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2001年主要地区和国家经济增长预测@周保 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view pr
经国务院批准,国家发改委决定自3月26日起,适当提高成品油价格,将汽油和柴油出厂价格每吨分别提高300元和200元,同时建立对部分弱势群体和公益性行业给予适当补贴的机制。   应该说,这次国家发改委的成品油价格改革决定,既考虑到了国内成品油价与市场接轨的大趋势,同时又对国内相关行业与弱势群体的承受能力有所考虑,由此人们也可以看出国家对推进国内市场油价改革的良苦用心。   不过要注意的是,在市场经济
目的 探讨前列腺癌特异性基因DD3在前列腺癌患者外周血中表达及临床意义.方法采集44例中晚期前列腺癌(PCa)患者、20例良性前列腺增生(BPH)患者及18例健康男子外周血,分离单个核细胞,提取总RNA.RT-PCR琼脂糖电泳法检测DD3 mRNA,以β-actin为内参照,以出现311-bp和184 bP片段为DD3 mRNA阳性,仅出现184 bp片段为DD3 mRNA阴性. 结果 20例BP
今年六月,云南省发展计划委员会副主任欧阳坚出任中共丽江地委书记。到任伊始,他深入丽江各地调查研究,与干部群众研究兴丽富民之策,共商兴丽富民大计。 在调查研究中,在与
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