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【世界核新闻网站2008年9月18日报道】9月17日,法国总统萨科齐与到访的斯洛伐克总理罗伯特.菲乔在巴黎签署了一份战略伙伴关系联合声明和一份民用核能合作协议。法国总统办公室就此谈到,“法国和斯洛伐克已经明确决定利用核能。在斯洛伐克,核发电量占全国总发电量的50%,斯洛伐 [World Nuclear News Web Site September 18, 2008] On September 17, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and visiting Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Figo signed a joint strategic partnership statement and a civilian nuclear cooperation in Paris protocol. As the French President’s Office said in this connection, "France and Slovakia have clearly decided to use nuclear energy. In Slovakia, nuclear power generation accounts for 50% of the country’s total electricity generation,
The double vessels of the Uranium Liquor Critical Facility are loaded with plentiful liquor, the hydrodynamic pressure is a key problem in dynamic analysis. The
The heavy ion microbeam is to decrease the diameter of the beam spot to micron, and it also is called as nuclear probe. Because the information of the material
As one of the most important parts of RF system for CYCIAE-100, the RF window is placed between the end of the transmission line and the resonant cavity. It is
在Skyrme-Hartree-Fock平均场和包含连续态的无规位相近似(RPA)理论框架下,用微观粒子振动模型计算了丰中子偶A碳同位素态相关的中子和质子核芯极化效应,结果示于图1。 Unde
HI-13串列加速器升级工程在2008年进一步深化初步设计和施工图设计,加强对大型关键设备加工制造的质量控制,部分项目取得了重要进展。 In 2008, HI-13 tandem accelerator u
The shell evolution at N=20,a disappearing neutron magic number observed experimentally in very neutron-rich nuclides,is investigated in the constrained relativ