Gas flow behavior and flow transition in elevator shafts considering elevator motion during a buildi

来源 :建筑模拟(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tdj000
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This paper explored the transition of flow in an elevator shaft and analyzed how the gas flow is affected by the moving elevator car during a building fire. A 3D model was built through ANSYS Fluent, the elevator motion was resolved through dynamic mesh theory. Flow fields in the elevator shaft were compared to describe the flow transition. Pressure distributions were applied to explain how the transition was accomplished and how the gas flow was influenced by the moving elevator car. Chemical reaction in the room released large amounts of CO2 and CO. The change in CO2 and CO concentration in the shaft was applied to measure the influence of elevator motion on the flow. At the start of the simulation, the gas moved slowly and smoothly upwards in the area between the elevator car and the top. As the elevator car moved, this area shrank steadily and significantly. In the end, this area disappeared and the transition of flow status in the entire shaft had been accomplished. The elevator motion decreased the pressure inside the shaft as well as the lobby. While the elevator car moved upwards with 1.75 m/s, the pressure in the lobby was decreased by 142.9% while the CO2 and CO concentration was increased compared to the case with still elevator cars, which indicated that more fire smoke flew into the lobby when the elevator car moved in the shaft.
摘 要:黄芪多糖主要是从豆科类植物黄芪的根茎位置提取的水溶性多糖成分,其主要的功能包括:抗病毒、抗氧化和抗辐射等,同时也可以作为免疫的增强剂,在提升鸡群的免疫力中起到了突出的效果。本文分析了黄芪多糖对鸡抗体能力的影响,并对未来的发展进行了预测,希望能够为黄芪多糖的发展提供可行性的意见和建议。  关键词:黄芪多糖;鸡;抗病能力  抗生素的出现对畜牧业的发展起到了重要的推动作用,但同时也给养殖业带来了