斑节对虾不仅个体大、生长快、肉质鲜美、经济价值高,并且斑节对虾杂食性,很适合人工养殖。在养殖斑节对虾过程中,大多数疾病是由于水质、底质恶劣或温度、盐度不适,影响正常蜕皮而引发的。今简略介绍斑节对虾常见疾病和防治方法如下: 一、黑鳃症(烂鳃症) 病虾的鳃部附着大量污物呈黑色或棕黄色。真菌感染,水质不良,重金属中毒,缺乏维生素C等都可能导致黑鳃。黑鳃病全年都可发生,以夏秋季节较多。
Penaeus monodon not only individual large, fast growth, meat quality, high economic value, and the monotonous prawn omnivorous, it is suitable for artificial breeding. In the culture of Penaeus monodon, most diseases are caused by poor water quality, poor substrate quality, or temperature and salinity discomfort, affecting normal molting. This brief introduction of Penaeus monodon common diseases and prevention methods are as follows: First, the black gill disease (gill disease) Shrimp gills attached to a large number of dirt was black or brown. Fungal infections, poor water quality, heavy metal poisoning, lack of vitamin C and so on may lead to black gills. Black gill disease can occur throughout the year, with more summer and fall seasons.