
来源 :新课程研究(中旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whxust
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工程训练是高校对学生动手能力培养的一个重要环节,是实施素质教育、创新教育的有效途径。随着设备数量和品种的增加,在工程训练中如何把各种资源、设备有效地整合在一起,提高设备利用效率是一个非常重要的问题。本文针对重庆科技学院(以下简称“我院”)工程训练中心的实际情况,阐述了信息化建设对加强设备管理、进行合理配置,提高设备使用率方面的地位和作用。 Engineering training is an important part of the training of students in practical ability in colleges and universities. It is an effective way to implement quality education and innovative education. With the increase of equipment quantity and variety, it is a very important issue how to effectively integrate various resources and equipment in engineering training so as to improve equipment utilization efficiency. According to the actual situation of engineering training center of Chongqing Institute of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “our hospital”), this paper expounds the position and function of information construction in strengthening equipment management, carrying on reasonable disposition and improving equipment utilization rate.
一、投资环境概述 河池市地势由西北向东南倾斜,多岩溶地貌,一般海拔 400─600米,最高海拔 1114米,最低海拔145米。气候属亚热带季风气候,年均温24℃,年均降水量1452毫米,年无霜期达 315 天。全市土地总面
据欧盟委员会4月11日发表的春季经济预测报告,欧盟经济形势从去年下半年以来不断改善,增长加速,今明两年开始进入“强劲增长时期”。 报告称,由于欧盟的通货膨胀得到有效控
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以下是针对新时期医院财务管理存在的问题分析以及新时期医院财务管理的对策分析。 The following is an analysis of the problems existing in the hospital’s financial
A suite of sedimentary-volcaniclastic rocks intercalated with the volcanic rocks unconformably overlies the Triassic Xiaochaka Formation in the Woruo Mountain r
有过挫折,冒过“虚火”海南岛不再浮躁。以产业开放为主体的开放格局初步形成,21世纪的主题曲是一首“光明行”。 Had setbacks, run counter to “virtual fire” Hainan Islan