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在当前革命和战争的因素都在增长的国际形势下,我国人民要时刻警惕帝国主义、特别是社会帝国主义发动侵略战争的危险。伟大领袖毛主席早就发出号召:“我们不但要有强大的正规军,我们还要大办民兵师。这样,在帝国主义侵略我国的时候,就会使他们寸步难行。”一九六二年到一九六三年间,配合国际上帝、修、反的反华大合唱,台湾蒋介石集团疯狂叫嚣反攻大陆,不断派遣武装特务,在我沿海偷登偷袭;我沿海军民筑成了铜墙铁壁,彻底粉碎了这些窜犯骚扰,在斗争中涌现了许多民兵英雄。努力宣传毛主席关于“大办民兵师”的战略思想,热情歌颂我国亿万民兵的丰功伟绩,这是革命文艺工作者义不容辞的光荣任务。在毛主席革命文艺路线指引下诞生的又一出新的革命现代京剧《磐石湾》,正是通过我国东南沿海的一支民兵连队,配合中国人民解放军,英勇歼灭武装匪特的题材,表现 Under the current international situation where the factors of the revolution and the war are growing, our people should always be alert to the danger of imperialism, especially social-imperialism, that will launch a war of aggression. The great leader Chairman Mao has already called for it: “We must not only have a strong regular army, but we must also hold large militia divisions so that when the imperialists invade our country, they will be struggling.” 1962 By 1963, in line with the international anti-Chinese chorus by God, revisionism and anti-China movement, Taiwan's Chiang Kai-shek clique clamorously rebelled against the mainland and constantly sent armed agents to steal the sights along the coast of my country. My coastal civilians and civilians built the iron wall and completely smashed these Invaded and harassed, many militia heroes emerged in the struggle. It is an unshirkable task for revolutionary artists to propagandize Chairman Mao's strategic thinking on “running a militarist for the major” and to warmly celebrate the great achievements of our hundreds of millions of militia. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's revolutionary literary line, another new revolutionary modern Peking opera “Pan Shui Wan” was precisely through the militia company of the southeast coast of China along with the Chinese People's Liberation Army to heroically annihilate the theme of the armed bandits.
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