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河西内陆棉区属荒漠、半荒漠地带,本棉区日照充足,降雨稀少,蒸发强烈,生产高产棉需掌握技术之关键。 一、耕作:秋冬翻好棉田是奠定本棉区丰产基础的重要措施,据大面积调查,秋冬深翻0.8~1尺的比深翻4~5寸的一般皮棉增产10~20%。而在气候干燥,春季气温回升快,土面蒸发大的内陆棉区,春耕尤其宜早,并在土壤表面开始解冻时就应立即进行顶凌耙地。 二、晒种:因本棉区秋季降温快,常使部分棉籽不能成熟,所以晒种作用比较明显。粒选后于播种前半月左右晒种,种子匀摊,厚约6.6厘米左右,堆温保持 Hexi area is a desert inland cotton, semi-desert zone, the cotton area sunshine, scarce rainfall, strong evaporation, production of high-yield cotton need to master the key technology. I. Tillage: Turning the cotton fields in autumn and winter is an important measure to establish the basis of high yield in the cotton area. According to a large area survey, the average lint yield of 10 to 20% over the depth of 0.8 to 1 foot over the depth of 4 to 5 inches. In dry climates, spring temperatures pick up fast, soil evaporation large inland cotton area, particularly early spring plowing, and the thawing of the soil surface should be carried out immediately before the top Ling raking. Second, drying kind: Due to rapid cooling in the fall of the cotton area, often part of the cottonseed can not mature, so the sun is more obvious role. Pelleting after about half a month before sowing, seed evenly spread, about 6.6 cm thick, heap temperature to maintain
最近 ,再一次重读了贵刊 2 0 0 1年 10月第 5期“从业抒怀”中的两篇文章 :陈宝珍老师写的“又到木棉花开时———我在图书馆的日日夜夜”和彭斐章老师写的“立下‘园丁’志