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作为国家中小企业银河培训工程的一个重要组成部分,今年的“百万中小企业信息化培训”活动已于近期告一段落。3年来,此项培训活动在普及信息化知识,帮助企业用信息化手段提升管理水平方面发挥了巨大的推动作用。中国中小企业信息网、机械工业信息中心,各地中小企业信息化主管部门在本年度的培训会中倾力合作,为中小企业打造一场信息化领域的豪门盛宴。随着信息化理念的逐步深入,各地中小企业的信息化需求也从基本层面扩展到更加广泛而深入的层面。针对各地区不同企业的需求重点,在2008年的信息化培训会上,主办方紧抓企业需求及IT行业热点技术,并组织了一大批国内机械及IT领域的专家进行授课。本刊记者深入培训会现场,就简约IT、劳动力管理及精益制造等热点话题进行了调查采访,了解中小企业尤其是中小机械企业对这些信息化手段的应用和需求情况。 As an important part of the national SME Galaxy training project, this year’s “One Million Small and Medium Enterprise Information Training” campaign has come to an end in the near future. In the past three years, this training activity has played a tremendous role in popularizing informatization knowledge and helping enterprises to improve their management level with information technology. China Small and Medium Enterprise Information Network, Machinery Industry Information Center, all local SMEs information department in this year’s training session in full cooperation, for the SMEs to create a wealthy feast in the field of information. With the gradual deepening of the concept of information technology, the information needs of small and medium-sized enterprises across the region have also been expanded from the basic level to a more extensive and in-depth level. In response to the needs of different enterprises in different regions, at the informationization training conference in 2008, the organizers grasped the needs of enterprises and the hot technologies in the IT industry and organized a large number of experts in the field of machinery and IT in the country to give lectures. The reporter in-depth training will be the scene, on the simple IT, labor management and lean manufacturing and other hot topics conducted a survey interview to understand the small and medium enterprises, especially small and medium machinery enterprises on the application of these means of information and demand situation.
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创建于1999年的无锡国盛精密模具有限公司是江苏省无锡市十佳高新技术企业之一,8年后的今天,它已经成为中国精密模具行业的领跑者。公司的迅猛发展,离不 Founded in 1999, W
由一个从句在句子中作宾语,这个句子就叫宾语从句。它是名词性从句的一种,在句中可以充当及物动词的宾语、介词的宾语和形容词的宾语。    一、宾语从句的连接词    其连接词有三种形式:由that引导;由连接代词who, which, whose和连接副词when, where, why, how等引导;由if或whether引导。宾语从句的连接词如何使用完全取决于从句的类型。  1. that引导的
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