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据《史记·高祖本纪》载,刘邦在取得了西汉政权后对群臣说,运筹帷幄,决胜千里,我不如张良;安抚百姓,供给粮食,不绝粮道,我不如萧何;纵连百万大军,战必胜,攻必取,我不如韩信。这三个人都是人中豪杰,我能够用这三个人,所以取得了天下。“我不如……”反映了刘邦的自知之明。芸芸众生自不待言,即使是九五之尊的天子,亦不可能穷尽天下之理,通晓一切应变之策,不依靠任何其他人的力量就能取得成 According to “Historical Records of the High Patriarchs,” Liu Bang said to the ministers after he obtained the Western Han regime, he was struggling to make plans, and he was better than Zhang Liang; to appease the people, to supply food, and not to stop the grain road. I was inferior to Xiao He; The army, the battle will win, the attack will take, I am not as good as Han. These three people are all heroes. I can use these three people, so I have achieved the world. “I am not as good as ...” reflects Liu Bang’s self-knowledge. It is never to be denied that even if it is the Emperor of the Ninth Five-Year Reign, it will not be possible to exhaust the principle of the world, to know all the contingency strategies, and not to rely on the power of any other person to achieve success.
白驹过隙,光阴流转,不经意间,《教育文汇》全新改版已步入第4个年头了。这对于她的读者来说无疑是件大事。由于《教育文汇》的改 Over time, time passes, and inadvertentl
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