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“全色”是中国古书画修复中的一项很重要的技术,包括“补色”与“接笔”两种技术。因为对修复者的综合修养要求很高,所以很多博物馆缺乏这方面的专业人员和技术,本文从实践出发,根据近年修复的文物实例总结经验,从文物保护的立场角度,系统地介绍了全色中需要注意的各个环节。提出“全色”既要注意细节,也要注意从实际情况出发,不能用同样的手法解决所有的问题。 “Panchromatic ” is a very important technique in the restoration of ancient Chinese painting and calligraphy, including two techniques of “complementary color ” and “connecting pen ”. Because of the high demand for the comprehensive restoration of the repairers, many museums lack the professionals and technologies in this field. Based on the experience and the experience of the relics rehabilitated in recent years, this article systematically introduces the full-color Need to pay attention to all aspects. Proposed “full color ” should pay attention to the details, but also pay attention to proceed from the actual situation, can not solve all the problems with the same approach.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
乘法公式是整式乘法这一部分内容的重点.学习乘法公式有几个问题要弄明白.既然多项式相乘有法则可循,又何必再学乘法公式? 人们在长期进行多项式乘法的过程中,发现某些特殊
笠贝是海洋软体动物,因其贝壳形状酷似斗笠而得名。笠贝生活在海洋与陆地交接、环境条件复杂、各种因子变化怠骤的潮间带,因而被用作研究潮间带生态学的常用材料。 笠贝对于
列方程解应用题比一般式子题要难。上海市有位老师曾在一个班级进行过调查,他 It is more difficult to solve equations than to formulae. A teacher from Shanghai had