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2006年12月初西北中学通过了国家级示范性高中初查。12月12日到13日,省教厅技术装备处和市教育局技术装备所领导率领全省各地抽调来的联合专家组进入西北中学进行为期两天的严格实际检查、与师生、家长座谈,最后打分评比,12月13日当场验收为“四川省实验示范学校”,并给予当场授牌。西北中学在务实求真基础上正向一流大步迈进。相信:西北中学“务实求真,勇创一流”办学总目标一定会实现。(王雪妍) In early December 2006, Northwest Middle School passed the national preliminary demonstration of high school. From December 12th to 13th, the provincial Technical Office of the Department of Education and the Technical Bureau of the Municipal Bureau of Education led the joint expert group drawn from all over the province to enter the Northwest Middle School for a two-day strict physical inspection, and discussions with teachers, students and parents. Finally, on the 13th of December, it was checked and accepted as “Sichuan Experimental Model School” and was awarded on the spot. Northwest Middle School is making great strides forward on the basis of pragmatism and truth. It is believed that the overall goal of running a school with “pragmatic, truth-seeking, and courageous first-rate” will be realized. (Wang Xueyu)
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工作学习清醒提神,消除疲劳劳保福利防暑降温,美观耐用郊游旅行潇洒漂亮,青春焕发体育运动降温吸汗,轻松凉爽发烧病人快速降温,镇痛醒脑 Work and study sober and refreshi
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