
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dalu008
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Narcolepsy is widely believed to have an autoimmune basis, but conventional i mmunological approaches have failed to detect a serum autoantibody marker. Since cholinergic hyperactivity is a feature of narcolepsy cataplexy, we transferre d IgG from nine patients with narcolepsy and nine healthy controls to mice and a ssessed the effect on smooth muscle contractile responses to cholinergic stimula tion. IgG from all narcolepsy patients significantly enhanced bladder contractil e responses to the muscarinic agonist carbachol and to neuronally released acety lcholine compared with control IgG (p < 0 0001) , whereas contraction of the s ympathetically innervated vas deferens was unaltered. Our findings provide direc t evidence for the autoimmune hypothesis of narcolepsy. Since cholinergic hyperactivity is a feature of narcolepsy-cataplexy, we transferre d IgG from nine patients with narcolepsy and nine healthy controls to mice and a sounded the effect on smooth muscle contractile responses to cholinergic stimuli. IgG from all narcolepsy patients significantly enhanced bladder contractile e responses to the muscarinic agonist carbachol and to neuronally released acety lcholine compared with control IgG (p <0. 0001), while contraction of the s ympathetically innervated vas deferens was unaltered. Our findings provide direc t evidence for the autoimmune hypothesis of narcolepsy.
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额颞痴呆(frontotemporal dementia,FTD)是一种隐袭起病、逐渐进展的非Alzheimer型早老性痴呆,其病理特征为额叶和颞叶前部的进行性变性;肌萎缩侧索硬化(amyotrophic lateral