
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinyu1016
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We report a 46 year old man who developed recurrent myelitis associated wit h hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection. Spinal cord biopsy showed acute demyelinati on without evidence of vasculitis. Antibodies to HCV were present in the CSF;HCV RNA was not detected in the CSF. Neither HCV antigens nor RNA were detected in the spinal cord biopsy, whereas they were found in the liver biopsy. Evaluation for other infectious or autoimmune causes was unrevealing. These observations su ggest that recurrent myelitis in this patient is etiologically related to HCV in fection, possibly via an immune mediated mechanism. This is the first report of pathologically proven myelitis associated with HCV infection and we suggest tha t HCV be considered in the differential diagnosis of the transverse myelitis syn drome. We report a 46 year old man who developed recurrent myelitis associated wit h hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection. Spinal cord biopsy showed acute demyelinati on without evidence of vasculitis. Antibodies to HCV were present in the CSF; HCV RNA was not detected in the CSF. Neither HCV or RNA was detected in the spinal cord biopsy, the they were found in the liver biopsy. Evaluation for other infectious or autoimmune causes was unrevealing. These observations su ggest that recurrent myelitis in this patient is etiologically related to HCV in fection, possibly via an immune mediated mechanism. This is the first report of pathologically proven myelitis associated with HCV infection and we suggest tha t HCV be considered in the differential diagnosis of the transverse myelitis syn drome.
陈寅恪在谈到宋代文化时曾经这样说:“华夏民族之文化,历数千载之演进,造极于宋之世。”陈先生的这个说法,已经是当代学术界的共识。宋朝一转唐朝的恢宏气象,收敛锋芒,静心修为,开启了一个与唐朝截然不同的文化盛世,造就了中国文化史上新的高峰。  诞生这个高峰的因素固然很多,但是,欧阳修和苏轼、曾巩、王安石等人的文学造诣和宽阔的大师胸怀,毫无疑问是重要的原因之一。正是由于接力棒式地推波助澜,使得北宋文坛逐渐
The frequency of orthostatic hypotension (OH) in cohorts of patients recruited through hospital Parkinsons disease (PD) clinics ranges from 16%to 58%. How eve
法国著名雕塑家沃尔蒂新近创作了一组雕塑作品,这组雕塑作品在马赛市政厅一展出,立刻引起轰动。参观者在这一件件雕塑作品中流连忘返,驻足细看。这些雕塑作品,从严格意义上讲,还是半成品,但就是这些像是没有完工的半成品,却给人带来无穷的想象和思考。  这尊雕塑是一个年轻的男子,他一手拿着凿子,一手拿着锤子,在自己腿上雕琢。他的上半身已雕塑完成,可以看出,一个十分刚毅、英俊的形象已见雏形。只是,他的下半身还是
逆向思维属于发散性思维的范畴,是一种创造性的求异思维。在地理教学中培养学生的逆向思维能力,对于提高学生的科学思维水平,使之逐步养成良好的思维品质,具有重要作用。 Re