
来源 :当代世界与社会主义 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssfdlah
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政党的起源及功能作用不同是中国政党与西方政党最根本的区别。当前中国政党制度的功能主要体现在政党与国家、政党与社会和政党之间关系三个方面。特定的政党与国家关系决定当代中国政党制度的首要功能是政治稳定功能;在政党与社会关系问题上则表现为动员、影响和塑造社会的功能;在政党关系上,则发挥着对民主党派的政治领导和巩固、完善多党合作的政党关系的功能。 The difference between the origin and function of political parties is the most fundamental difference between Chinese political parties and Western political parties. At present, the functions of the Chinese political party system are mainly embodied in three aspects: the relationship between the political party and the state, the political party and the society and the political parties. The relationship between the specific political party and the state determines that the primary function of the political party system in contemporary China is the function of political stability; the function of mobilizing, influencing and shaping society in the relationship between the political party and the society; the function of the political party in playing the role of the democratic party Political leadership and consolidation, improve the function of multi-party cooperation of party relations.
早读下课铃声一响,朗朗书声顿无,众同窗谈笑风生。语文老师抱一摞作文本急入教室,怒曰:“早读课未下,你们怎么不读书了?”一同学站起,小声曰:“老师, As soon as the morni
曾经看到这样一则故事: 一户人家搬家,挪开衣柜,发现两只老鼠躲在墙角,正不知往哪儿逃生。人们向来对老鼠没有好感,所谓“老鼠过街,人人喊打”,早已有人拿起扫帚准备砸下去
作为名贵的狗,欧尼有些不够格。事实上,它曾经被请出狗的选美秀,尽管它表现上佳,但它显然是只杂毛狗。它浑身黑色, As a precious dog, O’Neill is a bit unqualified. In
佛界有所谓“第三只眼”之说,即想象空中有一只法力无边 There is a so-called “third eye” in the Buddhist world. Imagine that there is a mana in the sky.
尊敬的编辑: 你们好,我是你们的一位忠实读者。自从在初三第一眼看见《中国校园文学》,我就喜欢上了她。喜欢她的清新、精美样子,喜欢她的小说连载,喜欢她的文章。在这几,我
一烈日当空。刚刚参军的小伙子们一个个背着行李,与亲人们依依惜别。来此地招兵的张团长正与几个人说着什么,一位戴眼镜的中年妇女走过来,问道: “请问,您是不是张团长?”“