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夏秋季节,每当路灯亮了,许多蛾子和甲虫便扑灯而来;盛过果酒的空瓶,在角落里闲置数日,可见到一些蚊子、蚂蚁粘在瓶壁而死亡;在那生长浓绿的稻田里,害虫趋之若鹜,使之遭受多种害虫的集中危害……这些现象都是自然界昆虫趋性的多种表现。趋性是昆虫对外界环境刺激产生的趋向性反应,如光、化学物质、温度、湿度等所产生的反应运动,是昆虫的一种较高级的神经活动。有的昆虫受到刺激以后,便向刺激来源接近,这种现象 Summer and autumn, when the lights are on, many moths and beetles will come out in the sky. Empty bottles filled with wine leave in the corner for a few days to see some mosquitoes and ants stick to the bottle wall to die. In the green paddy fields, the pests rush to cause them to suffer from the concentration of various pests ... These phenomena are all manifestations of insect tropism in nature. Tropism is the tendency of insects to the external environment to stimulate the reaction, such as light, chemicals, temperature, humidity and other reactions generated by the movement of insects is a higher level of neural activity. After some insects are stimulated, they are approaching the stimulus source. This phenomenon
Following the ending of the 10th Five-Year Plan comes the eleventh one. After reorganization, restructuring and going public, the three major oil companies in C
For networks that are directed or can be represented by a directed network,reversing one or more of theuni-directional links may provide the ability to reconne
1990年7月18日下午,国家智能计算机研究开发中心赴美国考察组一行四人访问了世界著名人工智能学者、美国卡内基梅农大学计算科学兼心理学教授霍尔伯特·西蒙(Herbert A.Simo
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