Effect of Electromagnetic Pulse Exposure on Permeability of Blood-testicle Barrier in Mice

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Objective To study the effect of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) exposure on the permeability of blood-testicle barrier (BTB) in mice. Methods Adult male BALB/c mice were exposed to EMP at 200 kV/m for 200 pulses with 2 seconds interval. The mice were injected with 2% Evans Blue solution through caudal vein at different time points after exposure, and the permeability of BTB was monitored using a fluorescence microscope. The testis sample for the transmission electron microscopy was prepared at 2 h after EMP exposure. The permeability of BTB in mice was observed by using Evans Blue tracer and lanthanum nitrate tracer. Results After exposure, cloudy Evans Blue was found in the testicle convoluted seminiferous tubule of mice. Lanthanum nitrate was observed not only between testicle spermatogonia near seminiferous tubule wall and sertoli cells, but also between sertoli cells and primary spermatocyte or secondary spermatocyte. In contrast, lanthanum nitrate in control group was only found in the testicle sertoli cells between seminiferous tubule and near seminiferous tubule wall. Conclusion EMP exposure could increase the permeability of BTB in the mice. Objective To study the effect of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) exposure on the permeability of blood-testicle barrier (BTB) in mice. Methods Adult male BALB / c mice were exposed to EMP at 200 kV / m for 200 pulses with 2 seconds interval. The mice were injected with 2% Evans Blue solution through caudal vein at different time points after exposure, and the permeability of BTB was monitored using a fluorescence microscope. The testis sample for the transmission electron microscopy was prepared at 2 h after EMP exposure. The permeability of BTB in mice was observed by using Evans Blue tracer and lanthanum nitrate tracer. Results After exposure, cloudy Evans Blue was found in the testicle convoluted seminiferous tubule of mice. Lanthanum nitrate was observed not only between testicle spermatogonia near seminiferous tubule wall and sertoli cells, but also between sertoli cells and primary spermatocyte or secondary spermatocyte. In contrast, lanthanum nitrate in control group was only found in t he testicle sertoli cells between seminiferous tubule and near seminiferous tubule wall. Conclusion EMP exposure could increase the permeability of BTB in the mice.
本期首先报告了称为福山型先天肌萎缩症的同胞病例。兄为典型的福山型肌萎缩,弟呈Duchenne 型肌萎缩之临床经过,兄15岁5个月,自生后6个月起出现婴儿肌弛缓症状,智能障碍,有
Richard R.Ernst 教授 1933年生于瑞士Winterhur。他在苏黎世瑞士联邦高等工学院(ETH)化学系毕业后,于1958—1962年在母校物理化学教研室师从Hans Primas教授,攻读博士学位
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