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科技统计是从数量方面对科学技术活动的状况进行客观的反映,它从总体上揭示和研究科学技术发展的数量规律性。例如,科技活动的规模、水平、发展速度和布局,等等。这就为综合评价科技发展状况,研究制定科技发展规划和科技管理政策等方面的工作提供了科学的依据。1991年8月,国家统计局召开的全国科技统计工作会议,对进一步认识科技统计的重要性,统一思想、统一行动,全面推进科技统计工作的发展产生了重大影响。但是,要把我国的科技统计提高到新的水平,尚有许多具体问题需要研究解决,本文仅就科技统计理论与方法方面的问题谈一些看法。 Statistics of science and technology objectively reflect the state of science and technology activities in terms of quantity, which reveals and studies quantitatively and regularly the development of science and technology as a whole. For example, the scale, level, pace and layout of scientific and technological activities, and so on. This provides a scientific basis for comprehensively evaluating the development of science and technology, studying and formulating scientific and technological development planning and science and technology management policies. In August 1991, the National Science and Technology Statistics Work Conference held by National Bureau of Statistics had a significant impact on further understanding the importance of science and technology statistics, unifying thoughts and unifying actions and comprehensively promoting the development of science and technology statistics. However, to raise our country’s science and technology statistics to a new level, there are still many specific problems that need to be studied and solved. This article only talks about the issues of scientific and technological statistics theory and methods.
上海市田家炳中学青春藤文学社成立于1999年,现有社员近200人。5年来,该社每学年坚持开展“五个一工程”——观摩一次优秀影片、读一本好 Shanghai Tianjiabing Middle Scho
按:改进后的工业生产评价考核指标,从第二季度开始实行。现将约请国家统计局工业司同志撰写的指标解释,刊登如下: Press: Improved industrial production evaluation assess
新常态的确切含义是什么?2014年12月中央经济工作会议首提“新常态”九大特征,值得我们深入关注和研究。根据这九个常态可以得出四个结论 :一是中国经济发展速度从高速增长转
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