Protease inhibitor in scorpion(Mesobuthus eupeus) venom prolongs the biological activities of the cr

来源 :Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sqqmyquanqs
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It is hypothesized that protease inhibitors play an essential role in survival of venomous animals through protecting peptide/protein toxins from degradation by proteases in their prey or predators. However, the biological function of protease inhibitors in scorpion venoms remains unknown. In the present study, a trypsin inhibitor was purified and characterized from the venom of scorpion Mesobuthus eupeus, which enhanced the biological activities of crude venom components in mice when injected in combination with crude venom. This protease inhibitor, named Me KTT-1, belonged to Kunitz-type toxins subfamily. Native Me KTT-1 selectively inhibited trypsin with a K_i value of 130 nmol×L~(–1). Furthermore, Me KTT-1 was shown to be a thermo-stable peptide. In animal behavioral tests, Me KTT-1 prolonged the pain behavior induced by scorpion crude venom, suggesting that protease inhibitors in scorpion venom inhibited proteases and protect the functionally important peptide/protein toxins from degradation, consequently keeping them active longer. In conclusion, this was the first experimental evidence about the natural existence of serine protease inhibitor in the venom of scorpion Mesobuthus eupeus, which preserved the activity of venom components, suggests that scorpions may use protease inhibitors for survival. It is hypothesized that protease inhibitors play an essential role in survival of venomous animals through protecting peptide / protein toxins from degradation by proteases in their prey or predators. However, the biological function of protease inhibitors in scorpion venoms remains unknown. In the present study, a trypsin inhibitor was purified and characterized from the venom of scorpion Mesobuthus eupeus, which enhanced the biological activities of crude venom components in mice when injected in combination with crude venom. This protease inhibitor, named Me KTT-1, belonged to Kunitz-type toxins Me KTT-1 was shown to be a thermo-stable peptide. In animal behavioral tests, Me KTT-1 was also shown to have a K_i value of 130 nmol × L -1 prolonged the pain behavior induced by scorpion crude venom, suggesting that protease inhibitors in scorpion venom inhibited proteases and protect the functionally important peptide / protein toxins fr In conclusion, this was the first experimental evidence about the natural existence of serine protease inhibitor in the venom of scorpion Mesobuthus eupeus, which preserved the activity of venom components, suggests that scorpions may use protease inhibitors for survival.
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