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牛黄为牛科动物黄牛的胆囊、胆管或肝管中的结石。为常用贵重中药材之一。陕西省药材公司和陕西省畜牧兽医总站,于1981年开展了人工培植牛黄的研究,1982年取出培植牛黄三批。就这三批牛黄,请西安市著名老药工进行了外观和性味鉴别之后,又作了定性试验、薄层层离和已知主要化学成分的含量测定。实验结果初步证明,陕西省三批人工培植牛黄与天然牛黄的主要化学成分基本相似,现将结果简报如下。1、三批人工培植牛黄,其颜色、气味、“挂甲”(染指甲)试验均与天然牛黄基本相同,呈金黄色或棕黄色。气清香,味苦而后甘,嚼之易碎,细腻,不粘牙。但外观形状及断面与天然牛黄有较大差异。这可能与人工培植牛黄的形成条件、加工方法等和天然牛黄不完全一致所致。2、按中国药典(1977年版一部)牛黄鉴 Niuhuang is a gallstone in the gall bladder, bile duct, or hepatic duct of a bovine calf. It is one of the commonly used precious Chinese herbs. Shaanxi Provincial Medicinal Materials Co., Ltd. and the Shaanxi Provincial Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station carried out research on the artificial cultivation of bezoar in 1981 and removed three batches of cultivated bezoar in 1982. After these three batches of bezoar, Xi’an famous old pharmacists were asked to identify the appearance and taste, and qualitative tests, thin layer delamination, and the determination of the known major chemical components were conducted. The experimental results preliminarily proved that the main chemical components of three groups of artificially cultivated bezoar and natural bezoar in Shaanxi Province are basically similar, and the results are now reported as follows. 1. Three batches of artificially cultivated bezoar, its color, odor, and “hanging nails” (dying nails) test are basically the same as natural bezoar, showing golden yellow or brownish yellow. The gas is fragrant, bitter and sweet, and chewy, delicate and non-sticky. However, the appearance and shape of the section are quite different from those of natural bezoar. This may be due to the fact that artificially cultivated bezoar formation conditions, processing methods, etc. are not completely consistent with natural bezoar. 2. According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (1977 edition) Niu Huangjian
作者应用 HPLC 法,以含5%异丙醇的磷酸盐缓冲溶液为流动相,采用 Partisil—10 SCX 阳离子交换柱,测定眼用药膜中毛果芸香碱及其降解产物异毛果芸香碱和毛果芸香酸的含量。同
菲律宾群岛古以吕宋(Luzon)、马依(即今之 Manila)、苏禄(Sulu)等岛地而著名,隋唐时就与我国有贸易关系。十三世纪初,我国南宋学者赵汝适所撰之地理名著《诸蕃记》中谓:菲群