
来源 :江西医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jincaijuan
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巨大肾积水121例临床分析江西省宜春地区人民医院泌尿外科(336000)赵正平,刘彩玲,王剑锋,邹国平我院1978年1月~1994年5月,共收治巨大肾积水121例。现就诊断和治疗方面的一些问题进行分析。1临床资料1.1一般资料121例病人中,男71例... Huge hydronephrosis clinical analysis of 121 cases Yichun District People’s Hospital of Urology (336000) Zhao Zhengping, Liu Cailing, Wang Jianfeng, Zou Guoping hospital from January 1978 to May 1994, a total of 121 cases of massive hydronephrosis. Now on the diagnosis and treatment of some issues for analysis. 1 clinical data 1.1 General Information 121 cases of patients, male 71 cases ...
IT is well known that it is impossible to construct an integral representation of holomorphic functions with holomorphic kernel for the general bounded domain.
Interleukin-2 (IL-2 ) 是一个重要 immunoregulatory 因素。在在 IL-2 和它的受体之间的相互作用以后,细胞内部的信号分子被激活并且 pro-oncogenes, e.g.c-Myc, c-Fos, c6 月 a
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LET G be a subgroup of the symmetric group S<sub>m</sub>. Denote by CG the set of all functions f: G→C. A function f∈CG is said to be positive semi-definite (p
IN this note all graphs are undirected, finite and simple. For a subgraph H of G, V(H), E(H), ε(H) and μ(H) denote the set of vertices, the set of edges, the
解开大蒜的药理学行动,简单 thio 混合物, z-ajoene,从新鲜 cloves 被净化。三根肿瘤房间线在不同 concentrationsin vitro 和词法变化与 z-ajoene 受到处理,房间的 DNA 内容和染
IN time realm,instability and chaos phenomena of a nonlinear optical system have been dis-cussed extensively.In recent years,as much interest was attracted to t
诊断检测一、选择题 1.下列命题中真命题是__. (A)若两个向量不相等,则这两个向量长度必不相等. (B)若两个向量不相等,则这两个向量方向必不相同. (C)若两个向量不相等,则这
SINCE the discovery of high-T<sub>c</sub> superconductors, experiments have revealed that the phase diagrams of La<sub>2-x</sub>Sr<sub>x</sub>CuO<sub>4</sub> an