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鄂尔多斯市中级人民法院“四个坚持”加强法院文化建设,努力实现人民法院工作新发展。坚持把精神文化建设作为主线。深入开展以“良知就是上司、心安就是质量、理得就是水平”为主要内容的司法良知教育,提升队伍自律意识和凝聚力、战斗力。坚持把行为文化建设作为重要载体。通过组织法官宣誓、提炼法院院训、树立先进典型等措施,将文化建设成果转化为工作动力。 Ordos Intermediate People’s Court “four insist ” to strengthen the culture of the court and strive to achieve the new development of people’s court work. Adhere to the spiritual and cultural construction as the main line. In-depth development of the “conscience is the boss, the peace of mind is the quality, reasonable level” as the main content of the judicial conscience education, enhance self-discipline awareness and cohesion, combat effectiveness. Adhere to the behavior of cultural construction as an important carrier. By organizing judges to take the oath, refining the court training, establishing advanced models and other measures, the cultural construction achievements into work motivation.
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20 0 2年 1 2月 8~ 1 0日 ,我国首次“人类口头和非物质遗产抢救与保护国际学术研讨会”在北京国际会议中心举行。作为中国国家级综合性艺术研究机构、联合国教科文组织列为保
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同学们在刚刚接触分解因式时,常常会出现一些错误,现就同学们容易出现的一些错误举例剖析如下. When students have just contacted the factor of decomposition, they oft
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